14421 Big Basin Way
Saratoga, CA 95070
Santa Clara County
Phone: (408) 867-5155
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by lyndsey F. on
I am probably biased. The only reason I every really go to WCL is when a friend of mine is playing. So of course it's always fun. I went last night to see the New York Songwriters Circle, always amazing, and sat at the bar. Hung out with a new friend, drank some (ridiculously hangover inducing) Sauvignon Blanc, and listened to some great music. The atmosphere here is great, it's like turning on xpn in your car except there are a lot of people around you enjoying food and beverage. I haven't actually sampled the food here, but I have heard really good things about it. The staff here are polite (!!! double points in my book...everyone seems to leave their manners at home these days) and the bartender, Josh and I had the same Middle School Alma Mater (Masterman represent!). And he didn't get annoyed with the two fairly tipsy ladies at the end of the bar giggling about every single thing the night had to offer us. All in all, I would say go! It's easy to get to, everything is moderately priced, and its a good time!
by Lizabeth Moulding on
I went to Middlesex with a group of friends this weekend and it was aiight. It is your basic bar, but very open and the furniture is on wheels, which is nice if you get there and grab a wheelie-bench before it gets too crowded. I only had beer, so I can't comment too much on the drinks. There was a line outside the door when I left around 11:45 and I'm not sure why - there's nothing fantastic about it, but its an ok place to hang out.
by Jean W. on
I have to love them because they allow my friends to throw a lingerie party there and provide a secret back entrance. Who isn't about a little backdoor?
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