Bar Bar
219 West Saint Julian Street
Savannah, GA 31401
Chatham County
Phone: (912) 231-1910
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Bar Bar - About Us
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Website Description and Information
Our objective was to offer a space that was inviting and unpretentious where you could enjoy your favorite beverage, perhaps play a board game, foosball, shoot some pool, or maybe check out the dance floor. And thatÃŒs what youÃŒll find at the Bar Bar today.
Oh, and the games are all free. The only things you pay for are drinks and cigarettes.
Staff and Visitor Photos
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by Junkfoodie Q. on
3.75 stars. Ordered the cheeseburger (with American cheese) and added bacon and avocado.  Also shared the garlic bay fries. The burger came our rarer than I thought (I wasn't asked to specify how I wanted it cooked), a little overcooked on the outside and too undercooked for my taste on the inside.  The generous serving of fresh avocado (major bonus points) and crispy bacon pieces were great additions!  The soft, fluffy bun had almost too many sesame seeds for me.  The fries were shoe-string and crispy, with just the right amount of garlic. You order food at the bar in front and then they'll call out your order at the back.  They also serve ribs, steak, pizza, seafood (lobster, salmon, mussels), etc. Great place to grab food, enjoy live music and view of the river...we sat at the top of the tugboat to enjoy the weather...until it suddenly turned nippy =( But I'll definitely be back!!
by Robin Zantow on
Flashback to 1995 The blood that flows in my veins is 1/4 Irish blood.  My old friend George was full Irish.  We both liked opium tea, smoking pot and dipping our cigarettes into a pile cocaine while we smoked them.  He showed me how to pull out some of the tobacco from the end of a cigarette.  You pull out a little and then you suck a line of cocaine into your cigarette by inhaling hard into the cigarette as you run the tip of the cigarette across the line.  He called it a "coke smoke."  Sometimes after a few coke smokes we would go do graffiti around SF...sometimes in the MUNI tunnels. Anyways, good ol' Irish George loved Abbey Tavern.  I was more into dance clubs...not Irish bars at the time...I was through my Irish bar phase, lol.  I had already been there one time but I didn't really like it much and didn't go back until Irish George made it sound so great.  So they had different theme nights, I forget what the theme of the night was...but everyone was in their early 20s..  There was an Irish female bartender there I enjoyed talking to. George and I and a couple other friends would go there and flirt with people and go outside get stoned and then come back in.  It was really fun.  Excellent beer selection.  I could talk to people about Beamish and if it was better than Guinness or not. Last time I saw old Irish George it was in the East Bay and he shocked me by injecting heroin into his arm while his friend did the same thing in front of me in George's car without any warning. George had moved up from opium tea to injecting heroin.  He was always such a hippie potsmoker so I was pretty shocked.  George and his friend wanted some more heroin or some crack and so we went to Oakland and I went along for the exciting ride.  That was the last time I saw George.  I have no idea if he is still alive, homeless, sober or what. I can't go back to Abbey Tavern anymore because it makes me really sad.  Reminds me of George.
by miz m. on
This place is fun, but you can run up quite a bill--it runs on the expensive side. The crowd is full of NYU students, hipsters ironically bowling, and bridge and tunnelers. A more affordable alternative would be the bowling alley at Chelsea Piers, and the crowd is a bit more mixed.
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