Bar de Jefes
9020 Jensen Drive
Houston, TX 77093
Harris County
Phone: (713) 699-2610
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Mercutio k. on
+ decor - no dance space + cleaner-than-average bathrooms - $5 cover + accepts credit cards - overpriced $8 drinks + music on a Sunday night - music on a Saturday night + nice bouncers - "VIP" area... c'mon + and - Cirque du Soleil performances, interesting the first time, annoying every time after when the staff is forced to clear out the crowd for space For everything Trigger does right, it does something else wrong.  Overall 2.5 stars, but I'll round up to 3 because the name reminds me of Chrono Trigger.
by Jermaine Grboyan on
I think this is as authentic as it can get around here if you want Mexican food. Let's just say that my friends and I stand out for being non-Hispanic when we eat there. There's a lot on the menu I've never seen/heard of in my Mexican restaurant experiences. However, they do have stuff that I've eaten in Mexico that I've never seen anywhere else like sopes. It's a pretty small and simple interior but could be cleaner. The servers have been courteous and speak English each time we dine there.
by jay h. on
I'm claustrophobic.   No joke.  I bought a car with a moonroof because I couldn't stand not having the window open on the freeway going 80mph.  Even when it's raining.  My friends hate me and don't like being in the car with me sometimes.  I'm a prissy ass bitch that way.  Sorry... :( But I digress... As a result of the aforementioned affliction I wanted to be at Du Nord hella early to get prime-away-from-the-crowd seating.  I was not about to get smashed up against some over perfumed hipster skank who wanted to be as close as she could to front . Which brings me to another point: Why the fuck do folks show up fifteen minutes before the show starts and expect prime view seating...honestly bitches. That shit doesn't happen.   Especially at Cafe Du Nord. The best viewing tables were reserved for dinner peeps.  FUCK SHIT!!! I should've thought of that!!! So my trio of folks found a small area that basically fenced itself away from the mosh pit of folks.   It was four feet away from the bar, too!  Yay, us!! Then some bitchy queen stands on the steps right in front of us.  Oh hell, no.  So I wasn't entirely sweet but I wasn't mean either... Me: "Excuse me, are you going to stand there the whole show?" BQ: "Mmm hmmm" Then he does that snapping neck turn thing and turns his back to us. Me: "Oh no he didn't!!" Before I could figure out in my mind how to grab the bitchy queen and drag him over the wooden ledge and onto the ground without spilling my martini the waitress came over and told him to move.  He was blocking the path to the dinner folks. HA BITCH!! The sound was off.  Do you ever wonder why at all live shows the vocalist is NEVER audible over the band?  Can't they turn the band sound down? If you're going to a show...make dinner reservations on the floor.   You'll actually get to see the performer. resort to restraining yourself from bitch slapping fools during the whole show.
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