by Eli S. on As sports bars go, this place has it figured out pretty well. Their menu is a nice variety of burgers, salads, fish, tacos, etc. Some good healthy options are included on their roster, which definitely separates them from the usual sports bar, right there. The service is a bit hit or miss. If you sit at the bar, you'll be well tended to - anyplace else and you're taking a chance. I'm not a sports fan, typically... But if I were, I imagine I'd be pretty impressed with all the flat screens on the wall.
by John G. on Rip Off. 18 bucks for 2 Bud Lights. This place stays in business because of its location, otherwise it is subpar and a haven for those of whom we should never speak.
by Noel Poeling on when The Anchor next door got too crowded, i went inside the emerald pub, and they had surprisingly good music and a lighter atmosphere. fun for a few drinks before hitting the town hard.