Bar Milwaukee
1044 N Old World 3rd St
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Milwaukee County
Phone: (414) 765-0652
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Hours: unknown
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by Laura M. on
On a sunny Friday at 5 PM, this place is a SCENE, completely packed with people from all walks of life: i-bankers, hipsters, bridge and tunnel folk, European tourists, etc. However, if you come early enough on a nice day (my coworkers and I love to take advantage of our half day Fridays at the 'Pan), you will be able to grab a table and enjoy the sun over buckets of Corona and house-made sangria. CONS: crowded at peak hours, pricey ($35 for a bucket of Corona--for shame!), bad for people (like me) who are prone to sea sickness (not a joke!), gross below-deck bathrooms. PROS: if you get there early enough, it won't be crowded; if you're a cheapskate, and sly, you can easily sneak in your own Corona to drink after buying that first bucket (sorry, management); stare at a point in the distance--it helps with that sea sickness (surprisingly enough, so does drinking!)
by Norma R. on
Okay, first, the service here is totally shitty. -5 stars, duh. The burgers are yum. +3 stars The beer selection? OMG BRB S&M BBQ LOL. AWESOME. +4 stars
by Billy Hush on
I created a Rateclub profile for the sole purpose of writing a review for this place. I get to the place around 11 (late, I know, my fault completely), but as a relatively attractive female, there was no problem getting in. LOL. I'm totally joking BTW But in any case, there was no wait and I was IDed, stamped, and the velvet ropes parted. However, I was in a group of 5 girls, with 3 guys. One of the guys had reserved a table, and my sole reason for even going was the fact that it was his birthday. Nevertheless, they let us girls in first, and told the guys to wait to confirm that he indeed had a table. The guys are allowed in 5-10 minutes later. Another (male) friend of mine arrives right after the first set of guys is admitted, and I immediately tell him to come in with 2 girl friends who are about to get in. The bouncer lets the girls in, and then tells him to "figure it out". WTF. Figure what out?! So I go over and chat it up with some guy who is apparently the manager or something, and he assures me that he will let my ONE guy friend in. He then turns around, and walks away. OK, fine, I understand you've got a job to do. So he returns some time later (maybe 10 minutes), and continues to let other people in. He points to my friend, and says, "your friend in the white shirt?". I nod, but he still doesn't let him in. One of the 2 girls that he was originally standing with goes over to a bouncer and asks why he hasn't gotten in yet. The bouncer yells at her, and then says, "look at you, how did you get in?!". Wow, ASSHOLE much? After maybe 45 minutes of waiting for him, I see a group of 4 girl friends and tell my friend to go with them. The bouncer doesn't seem to believe him, but after 15 minutes of discussion, the girls AND the guy get in. Wow, WHAT AN ORDEAL. Worse than Vegas. Once you get in, it is a rather nice venue. Bottle service is incredibly expensive though. EXTREMELY dark and hot. Luckily for me, I think the bartender liked me. Didn't have to wait a single second for a drink. Crowd was... EHHH. So much cheese, I'm glad I'm not lactose intolerant. While dancing with 3 girl friends, a random guy came up behind a friend and began dry humping her from behind. I literally had to palm his face. All in all, would I go back? Maybe, if they stopped acting like it was Vegas, and removed the sticks from their asses.
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