Bar Triplett
5053 Gall Blvd
Zephyrhills, FL 33542
Pasco County
Phone: (813) 779-4058
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by Jezzie X. on
I'm surprised we got in because we're not even Korean, even though we fit the bill of hot Asian chicks. There was no cover but maybe that's cause we got in right before midnight. Seriously inside it was exactly like Hiro, only smaller. It got SO PACKED you can barely move without punching a guy behind you. There was about 3:2 girl to guy ratio. All the girls were hot but the guys were not, at all. That's the cut and dry version of the scene. It was only after I read these rateclubs reviews that I learned the practice of booking girls? It sounds really sketchy to me but I guess that's the norm? We stayed for an hour (music was B+) and around 1AM when it became suffocating in there, we headed out. Maybe just in time to skip out on K-Pop. I don't understand how people can dance in such a sweaty, crowded, hot mess.
by Tony C. on
Really loud smooth and low jazz. Like the kind that makes you await a creepy guy in a fedora to ask to buy you a fish sandwich jazz. I called ahead and they said they would have someone on piano that night. Wrong! Again it was a really loud, really uninspiring jazz band with no idea on how to muffle the drums so that the patrons could hear each other. Most everyone was outside smoking so that they could hear each other. Not that great, but not the worst ever.
by Latesha Keomuangtai on
Okay, so the stars really don't mean much b/c I'm really not into dance clubs, but on rare occassions I will go for something different, and having been to this place a couple of times I do have some observations to share. When I was living in South Philly I had an old high school buddy come visit. This kid is really into clubbing and he runs an "adult entertainment" site so he's a bit of an operator, he's also Laotian, so he hooks up with this Vietnamese promoter who's gonna get us into Shampoo on "Asian Night" cover-free. Now, like I said, I'm not really into clubs and the only thing I had heard of this place up til then was from a friend who said she hated the place and "Every other girl is some dumb young bimbo named Krystal from Jersey". But no cover and I've never been to an "Asian night" at a club, plus my friend's in town visiting, I'm definitely going. I get there and it actually seemed pretty cool. More laid back crowd than your average club (I dunno maybe that's bad for your average clubber but whatever), nice and big. So I'm lounging on a speaker or somethin while my friend dances like a methed-up Bruce Lee* at a rave and this really pretty girl comes up and we start talking-- I ask  her name at some point-- "Krystal"-- and where is she from-- "Jersey". Well at least she didn't seem like a dumb bimbo to me! I went another time and it didn't seem as cool, more like people describe here-- sorta like your average club in Hartford-- well, maybe not that bad. For what it's worth, all my friends in Philly who like dancing avoid this place like the plague. *No, I'm not just saying that cause he's Asian, in addition to the poi and glowsticking stuff he does this weird Matrix-style kung-fu like shit when he dances sometimes.
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