by Nick S. on Whew, geeze, talk about your average, run of the mill, cookie cutter Hollywood club. First off, I want to preface this by saying I only came here because my friend was in town from New York and invited me. That said. I sauntered up to this place and was greeted by a bouncer whom I swear was the inspiration for the bouncer in "Knocked Up." I mean, damn. He looked like him, he talked like him and he certainly acted like him except 10 times worse. This was your typical loser bouncer on his "My life sucks but I get control over a psuedo important door for a few hours every week so I'm going to suck that power dry" power trip. This guy was bad. And not even to me. It was the guys ahead of me who were trying to get in. I actually got in pretty hassle free. I mean, he gave me a little hassle because that's not just part of his identity, it's the whole thing, so whatever, loser bouncer gets off on harassing people who want to have a good time. I still got in. Whew, anyway, loser power tripping stereotypical Hollywood bouncer aside; this place is simply put: Standard. It's so cookie cutter and like every other whack Hollywood "hot spot" club it's not even funny. Someone please explain to me why people would go out of their way to go somewhere like here. There's your standard itunes dj. Dammit, talk about criminal. Wish I could get paid to dance while I played my itunes play list. What a scam. Dude probably walks around passing himself off as a real DJ and gets laid because of it too. Anyway, this place is ridiculously boring and completely not worth the effort. I only got one drink but I had to wait forever for it because the bartender would look at me like he was about to ask for my order then see a girl near me and ignore me to take her order instead. Eventually I get my $8 beer and do you think I tipped him? Please. You gotta at least give some effort for my tip. I gave it to a homeless guy on the street afterwords instead. I'm sure he'll put it to better use anyway. As you can see I'm pretty passionate in my hatred of this jib joint. If you want to waste your time and money, that's your problem. Don't say I didn't warn you.
by Booker Chappelle on one of the best things in the world is a good ole GNO. girls nite out. you can't go wrong with gno's.... bonding time with the girls doing anything and everything. you just can't go wrong. no matter how wrong the MOOD was... it's a great venue... fancy schmancy decor inside, with an indoor smoking patio with a ventilated rooftop. two full bars. one dj. one huge plasma showing a picture slide show of past club goers. we have 4 girls with us so we get selected to go right in while the boys in front of us stayed in line. however, the lady at the register says..that's $20 each. um excuse me? are you f*ckin kidding me? since when do 4 girls have to pay to get in a club??? grrr.. i'm getting moody already. they don't even have a coat check-in. grrr. luckily the lady in the bathroom was prepared to check-in our coats for us for $5. this club better be worth the $20. straight to the bar we go. i order my usual safe non-hangover drink... grey goose tonic. that's $12 pls says the bartender. sheez. this drink better do something. i didn't eat dinner. i should get at least a little tipsy. alas, it was another disappointment. not enough vodka in my drink. grrrrr. not even an hour has passed by, and we were all pretty much ready to go. but we stayed a lil longer to get our 20 dollars worth. so we mingle, dance, mingle, dance. some drunk guy bumps into me on the dance floor three times, once hittin me on the forehead with flailing arms. grrrr. we walk back to the bar and same guy runs into me again. dude. i had to say something. told him he needed to stop running into me. then my girls one by one, backed me up. haha. moody girls. next thing you know, there's a creepy guy offering me eggs for breakfast. i declined and said i wanted pancakes. then creepy guy offers for me to bear his child. wth. where do these creepy guys come from? grrrr. wowee.. Mood certainly put us in a bad MOOD. the highlight of the evening was witnessing three guys and girl getting in a fight right outside the club. wrestling all up on the curb. clothes rippin off. so intense. it was great. this would be the first and only visit to this place. http://static.px.rateclubs.... GNOs are so eventful! i love it!
by Irene F. on I used to love it here, but now, at a ripe old 23, I feel like I'm getting too old to deal with the stupid steroid-addled Long Island guys and their screeching bleached blonde girlfriends, or whoever they are trying to pick up. The music here is always amazing, which is why it gets 4 stars...after all, the music makes the club more than anything. As far as the mega-clubs in NY go, Webster Hall is probably the best out of the ones that are still open (I miss Limelight!!), but the smaller clubs are way more worthwhile.
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