Barb's Bar
W8097 County Road Z
Merrill, WI 54452
Lincoln County
Phone: (715) 539-8744
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Joy A. on
Oooo going to Nick's for tacos? Yesss! I still remember when I first stepped foot in your doors. You weren't Nick's. You were Rouge~ overcrowded club by night. But by day, you transformed into Nick's. I like day-time at Nick's much better. Cheap & tasty tacos never disappoint, especially your crispy fish tacos made "Nick's Way". Nick's Way adds the good 'ol fixins to your taco- guacamole, sour cream, & a dash of lime. The grilled fish tacos are just as yummy, too! Even the drinks are nice & cheap. A few measly dollars for a nice, cold beer or a glass of wine. I can be in casual gear at your humble abode, just order my tacos at the cashier line, then park my rear at one of your many tables, and I'm good to go. I can't wait to come back to you when I have the next taco craving!
by Kyle I. on
We walked in the door to a crowd of people so we knew it was going to be a wait. We were greeted by a hostess more worried about her phone then the customers. The 30-35 minute wait took more like an hour! I tried to not let first impressions effect me but at that point the bitter taste was growing! Once seated the waiter was very polite and took our order swiftly! The food came out considerably faster than the wait to be seated! The burger I had was delicious but nothing that makes me want to sprint back. The initial opinion was pretty bad and an instant one star. Luckily the rest of the trio salvaged it to two stars.
by Vern Gehringer on
Bowling is always a good time, but it's kind of overpriced.  You can't beat the location, but for my money (and game) I prefer the lanes at Chelsea Piers.
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