5011 East Craig Road
Las Vegas, NV 89115
Clark County
Phone: (702) 644-7900
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by Dan S. on I used to love Buddha Bar (now called Ajna), having been to the BB in several other cities. I had bought a couple Buddha Bar cds and chose it for a major milestone birthday---in early 2009. I invited over 12 of my closest friends to have a night to remember. It was one of the worst dining experiences I've ever had--much less on a major milestone birthday. Aside from the difficulty in finding the place, the food was bland and over priced. There are cheap Japanese restaurants in midtown selling the same dishes. The cocktails, while great, took forever to arrive. The music and decor were interesting; but this was overshadowed by the poor service and the staff's bizarre attempt to be pretentious (see below). We had poor service for our table throughout the night (we were a lucrative group and they only devoted 1 waiter to us). We always had to signal to the waiters to get things. Then, as I was leaving, I put down my coat tag. An Asian coat check girl was talking to her friend. I fished in my wallet to find a tip. I quietly asked for my coat because she had her back turned to me, without any provocation. She gave me pretentious attitude and serious stink eye (on my birthday), grabbed my coat off the hanger, threw my coat on the table and rudely turned her back on me to talk to her friend. Are you serious? The coat check's attitude was icing on the cake on my birthday on top of the bill. Most expensive restaurants usually have a hostess or maitre'd nearby to see guests leave happy. There was none in sight...we had to carry my gifts out without anyone to help us open the front door. We felt battered and abused as we left this place. Hmm...how curious they changed their name after this experience. You can't paint over poor restaurant practices with a new coat of paint and new Buddha statues. Respect yourself and choose Tao or Megu.
by Sally K. on I have very sensitive ears. Not like, "oh baby, touch my ears," I am not going to get all Ferengi on your ass. But anyway, yeah. I have known about power outages before anyone else because at 3am I will hear the VCR click off (this was back in '98, ya'll). I think I would do really well in the wild. So anyway! I live blocks away from Suite 181, but because they have a crazy sound system I have invested in good earplugs because on Friday, Saturday, and even Sunday nights they are playing Top 40 until what feels like 6 AM. Tonight we decided to get our celebration on. I am about to be famous (I'm serious!) so we started drinking around 2pm. We didn't go to Suite 181, because obviously I am not a douchebag, but I have been there before (that was the useful part of this review). Unfortunately, I was tanked by 8:30pm and decided to call it a night. So just now I woke up because Beyonce's Crazy In Love came on. As I wrestled to find my earplugs I decided to just give in. I didn't want to wake up guy in my bed, so I got out of bed, got in front of the window in my La Perla booty shorts and American Apparel bra and decided to just booty hoop for awhile. Not because I felt like dancing but because Crazy In Love is actually a really good song and gets the girls on the dance floor, or in my case, the apartment floor. So anyway, as I was popping and locking, I realized that the hotel across the street had a room with all its lights on and what appeared to be a small family gathered in the window to see the amazing entertainment I was providing them. Granted, I was and am still drunk, but still, I felt obligated to finish my dance so that all parties involved would feel satisfied. Unfortunately, I got lost in the moment and didn't realize that Public Enemy was now playing and also dude had woken up. When he asked "what the fuck are you even doing right now" I responded with "lunges. I hurt my leg in critical mass." It worked (SUCKER I DIDN'T EVEN RIDE IN CRITICAL MASS TODAY!!!!) so I decided to come on Rateclub and talk about it. Thanks, Suite 181. I hate you but you play Beyonce at 1:45AM so I am obligated to give you 1 additional star.