Barefoot Water Sports
2283 State Highway 17
Phelps, WI 54554
Vilas County
Phone: (715) 545-2800
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Hours: unknown
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by sarah d. on
Been here twice.  Once with a girlfriend and once with a cousin from Canada.  Had great times both times. The planetarium is actually pretty boring. I fell asleep half way through the show -both times, good thing I don't snore when I sleep. Everything else is fun! I like that they serve alcohol.  I didn't drink either time but I'm sure I will when I go the next time.  Trying to build my tolerance... then I'm going to sleep through the entire planetarium show.
by michelle y. on
Had a great time at this place! The music was so much better than expected, and I loved the Southern food. The drinks were good, and we all went over the 2 drink minimum. The cover was also very reasonable...$12.
by Ezra Potra on
Eleven is the place for Ritalin-addled people who like visual stimulus without much logic or substance. Confused.  There is A LOT going on here.  Trying too hard?  Perhaps.  I'll give it some time to hit its stride, but I am not rushing back any time soon.  So is this place a supper club?  Yeah I guess so, they serve food.  Tuna tartare is made with low quality tuna and drowning in a spicy aoli.  Kinda gross.  But I didn't come to eat, I came to imbibe.  And let me tell you: that is NOT an easy thing to do.  I walked to the bar, where there were three bartenders and one bar back.  All were very good-looking, and I liked the ratio of 4 bar staff for the 7 people at the bar.  Obviously the good looks are the only things that the bartenders have going for themselves.  15 minutes to get my gimlet.  15 MINUTES!  And it was served in a pint glass with about a 1:1 ratio of gin to lime juice.  It tasted like spiked limeade and left my stomach a fiery cauldron of gastrointestinal devastation. But hey, the lighting is really good in there!  Other than that, there are a lot of accoutrement, plasma screens everywhere (is this a sports bar), little waitresses running around in little gold dresses (fun), and a unisex bathroom (so 10 years ago!).  Even Gisele Bundchen would find the bathroom lighting terrifying and if you are going to do unisex, at least be creative and have fun with it.  You walk in here and see a bunch of stalls and wonder if you accidentally walked into the women's room.  Toilets are scary aluminum prison / national park bathroom toilets. Beyonce is having her Grammy party at Eleven tomorrow night.  God help them, b/c you do not want to piss B off!  OKAAAAAAY? UPDATE: Have been pulled in several times with friends.  No change.  Service still sucks.  Drinks are pitiful.  Loads of gays shoving unappetizing food into their bouches.  That's french/my attempt to give this place some class. UPDATE 3/30: They finally know how to make a Red Bull & Vodka!  Who cares that I ordered Ketel and got Goose?  At least they got the vodka part right!
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