12613 East Highway 20
Clearlake Oaks, CA 95423
Lake County
Phone: (707) 998-3982
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Kimberly F. on
This place charged 12 bucks to get in.... and that gets you a very overcrowd room( a potential fire hazard ). If you can't get a seat you can sit on the dirty cold floor, or try your luck on the balcony aka rickety wooden platform. With a line of people stretching down and around the block you would think they would get rid of the tables and the line the chairs up so that more people could fit. When i went there were at lest 100 people there, at 12 a pop they could fix the place up. BUT anyway I went to see a friend perform and once the host took the stage all thoughts of how many ways i could die in this building flew out the window! (Actually there are no windows...) I loved it!! The performers were breathe and moving, and the vibe of the place is truly amazing! They featured performers from all over not just NYC! The host Mahogany Brown was so funny and didn't miss a beat! This place is def worth a visit! The people are amazing, the venue is awful, but its worth the risk! Do it!
by Vida P. on
lame. maybe it was just the night but really when about 50% of the girls are sitting down then you know the music sucks because girls just want to dance. I had to pay to get it because of some retarded mix up but whatever. I don't mind paying if the place is awesome and I know I'll have a good time but not when I'm standing around watching people flop around like fish out of water to the lamest mix of music I've heard in a while. There was some reality show being taped there that night and if my mama saw me do 1/8 of the things I saw those girls do I'd be rateclubsing from purgatory. The atmosphere was a bit weird and this fat, uglizoid kept bumping into me so that sucked. Drinks were pretty strong. There isn't a designated dance area and a lot of people looked like they were trying to hard not to look like they were trying to look cool.
by Daniel Baeskens on
Need to pay a hefty cover?  SKIP. Not even worth it unless you go with friends with generous and deep pockets or hook-ups.
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