by Damien S. on Ever walked in a bathroom to catch your grandma stepping out of the shower? Never ask a fiery Nicaraguan to tip a stripper, lest ye be subjected to a full-nude lap dance that ends with blown kisses and a "God bless you." All kinds of the rightest wrong.
by Karoline X. on Great tasting drinks, extremely friendly door man and bartender, absolutely beautiful interior, but terrible crowd. There was NO ONE inside -- on a Saturday night at midnight, mind you. No one, except a few stragglers that came off the street. No wonder the door man bought us a round of drinks. We were in town for the weekend and thought such a beautiful place would liven up, but no! Very disappointing.
by Millicent Colbert on This place is great. A medium sized club with brick walls, a good sound system, and beautiful bartenders. There are ins and outs. And Saturdays are always fun if you enjoy "shaking your tail feather" as Stephy S. likes to call it.