Baron's Bar
1117 Ludington Street
Escanaba, MI 49829
Delta County
Phone: (906) 786-9834
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by B J. on
The crowd is a little sloppy after midnight, but if you're in the mood for that, it's all good. Sometimes the crowd's a bit more mainstream, sometimes not so much. I've been on different nights that were straighter/queerer than others. The drinks are expensive, and the water is not free...until you're puking or so wasted that they hand you a bottle on your way out. Here's my suggestion: get in line when the cover's cheap. Get out, walk across the street to the liquor store, pick up something, take care of your needs, and wander back over when it looks like the line is long. Make sure you keep it together when re-entering, though, because they seem like they keep the shit-faced people out. Oh yeah, and bring ear plugs. The volume in there is illegally loud, and unless you want to be ringing all night, a little padding doesn't hurt.
by Peng H. on
this place is a piece of work. i really like the outdoor section. and a few years ago, i can sit outside, enjoy a drink and light up a cig. last time i visited this place, there were mosquitoes everywhere and i used to smoke to deter them but it was 11:55pm and i light up and the bouncer dude came by and demanded that i put it out. so i tried to reason w/ him and did so for a few minutes, and finally i put it out and the second i put it out, another dude next to me light up and it was midnight... here's another unfortunate event that happened there: as i was walking up the stairs from the bathroom, this idiot dropped a glass and the glass exploded and pieces of the glass hit my face as i was walking up...and i only got a shot of patron from the
by Mabelle Fluitt on
This place would be a lot better if it weren't for all the WANNA BE hipsters getting in the way of REAL hipsters on the dance floor!! Jk :) I can't go here until i've already had a few drinks otherwise the hipster populace kind of turns me off. But the bar staff has always been SUPER FUCKING awesome and are very very nice people. If nothing else, go here to see what the hype is about, just don't get in my way when i'm busting a groove on the dance floor and don't mess with my fixed gear locked up to the railing ;) And don't forget your skinny jeans and haircut. And if you want to get in for free, you'd better get a fixed gear.
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