Barry's Place
35 Hastings Street
Mendon, MA 01756
Worcester County
Phone: (508) 473-0882
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Hours: unknown
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by Peng H. on
i had a good time everytime i went there. the girls werent bufugly for the most part and there's a good mix of asians (altho some claim that it's predominately korean). the only bad experience ive had w/ this place is halloween 2009. got my tix and we waited in line for 3hrs and we couldnt get in the club at the end of the night because cops came and said that the place was over it's capacity...shady asians...
by Jere Teitsort on
I recently revisited this joint after a year.  I found it amazing that ventilation finally exists in the downstairs room.  This place looks classy  at first, then you notice that your just dancing in a warehouse setting because the floor is just cement.  I wonder if they just hose it down after closing.  The I just met two guys that actually conversed with me for a bit and didn't come up from behind and try  to dance/dry hump me like I was their blowup doll at home.
by Sarah H. on
MJQ was the first bar I ever went to as an underaged college student (I can't speak for their ID'ing now - this was almost ten years ago!). I give it five stars partially out of nostalgia for all the great times I had there. I don't live in Atlanta anymore, but I hear that MJQ has expanded their space. MJQ is a fun and literally underground spot - it apparently resides in a former parking garage. The music is always great, with good DJs, and it's a popular place to go out dancing. One thing to note about this place is the constant fluctuation of the cover price - generally, if the door people know you, you'll get in for free. If they don't know you or you look or act like a jackass, they'll charge you - the more of a jackass, the higher the cover. That's just in my experience. Check MJQ out, if you can find it.
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