Bartenders To Go
3229 Binz Street
Houston, TX 77004
Harris County
Phone: (713) 406-0471
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Hours: unknown
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by cynthia Y. on
Despite this place being overrated, I came here with an open mind & I actually enjoyed it! I didn't have time to look at the many displays of signs, photos, etc. I ordered a whiz with & cheese fries! I do agree the cheesesteak wasn't as good as Philip's but the cheesefries were AWESOME! So the cheesesteak, I didn't enjoy the bread as much, not enough onions, but the meat was pretty good. It wasn't as juicy as Philip's :( The cheese fries were good! The fries were perfect and the cheese made it even better. Service wasn't as friendly as Philip's for sure. Hmmm
by Deanna S. on
What a surprise! I didn't think the loud music and belly dancers came out until after 10 pm!  Because of the "snow" there were only a few customers, and our group of 7.  That didn't hold the restaurant back from starting the show at 9pm, though.  Of course, if you're not into entertainment while eating, this place isn't for you. But I think it's a good judge of character if you can get out of the stuffy shirt and get "festive" for once.  The food was good.  The Braised Rabbit was tasty, but stringy. Is that how the texture of rabbit usually  is?  The flaming goat cheese was good, and of course it was lit up tableside to add to the entertainment.  All the other dishes we tried were good, too.  Nothing spectacular, but pretty good. I agree with the previous reviews about the cocktail napkins being flown in the air. I don't get it.  Is it supposed to replace confetti?   All I could think of was, "are they going to recycle them?"  It's a good place to take visiting family or friends who've never had Greek food, or seen belly dancers.
by Priscilla Lunz on
What was the look the architect was going for anyway? Whale belly full of glo-sticks meets H.R. Geiger? Like a poor tourist sap too easily lulled by celebrity chefdom I plunked down way too much cash for what was at best, a just OK experience. I don't like visiting nightclubs in general, so in hindsight I don't know why I agreed to drop about $300 (for two) for the privilege of eating in a restaurant dressed up like one, with the same snooty service to match. Oh now I remember, Iron Chef... or at least, Iron Chef recipes executed by his underlings.   These tourist bumpkins ordered the $120 omakase, and this is what came with it, along with stars: 1. Toro Tartare w Caviar (5) 2. Kumamoto Oysters (3 different kinds) (5) 3. Hot oil sashimi big eye snapper (oil wasn't hot) (4) 4. Sashimi white fish salad w microgreens (4) 5. Half a lobster (5) 6. Kobe beef w oyster mushrooms - was that Kobe? (3) 7. Five pieces of nigiri - Otoro, skipjack, jack, mirugai, whitefish - The Toro was awesome but the others were bleh... also the sushi rice wasn't warm, it was cold (3) 8. Chocolate souffle (4) We ran the calculations and if you were to order a la carte off the menu (my gf has very good memory) it would run about $160 or so, assuming portion sizes were the same. So in theory you're getting a good deal. But, through a very unscientific method, namely, what I would have felt like paying for each dish individually, it came out to about $90. The food really is deserving of a 4 if you don't factor in the price, but the price is really what sticks in my mind at the end of the day. I would probably return though, just to try the $10 bowl of ramen noodle soup. After you blow a few benjamins on dinner $10 for a bowl of noodles seems dirt cheap.
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