Bartley House
1212 58th Street
Kenosha, WI 53140
Kenosha County
Phone: (262) 658-1966
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by David W. on
Have only attended this place on Friday nights with the occasional Saturday night.  It is a younger crowd, yet the upstairs has nice VIP sections.  It is great for large VIP groups for birthday parties or graduations. They usually have really good DJs for dancing and play a myriad of music styles all mashed up into a seamless set.  There have been times when I wasn't to thrilled with the DJ, but that is the case from time to time with all clubs. The VIP cocktailers are all really nice and really attractive.  It is definitely nice to have a good lookin' gal serving you your vodka that you just dropped good money on - so that is a definite plus. All-in-all it is a great place to cut loose and have a fun time at on a weekend night.  The patrons aren't stuck up like at Infusion lounge and it is typically just an all-out party!
by Elsie W. on
I came with 2 friends on a Saturday night for dinner and we were planning to party upstairs afterwards. Then we found out it was already booked for a party so no one could go up. Boo! The decor and ambient atmosphere made it a cozy experience, but the stares from the waitors and constant attention to our table made it quite irritating. Food was pretty good for typical Manhattan prices. We left to go to The Park right next door to to party it up. Then we went back later on to check out Earth's party atmosphere. They had to move the dining tables aside to make room for people to dance downstairs. It wasn't pretty -- both the setting and the people. We went back to The Park.
by Renata Buitrago on
I have to pass Sugar Cafe on my way to work, and I like the fact that this space turned into a cafe and not another liquor store. The first time I walked in I immediately thought I was in a Jonathan Adler showroom, but still, it's different from all the other coffee places in the neighborhood. The four or five times I went in, they had not much left in the "pastry department". What I've also learned is, if only one person is in front of me I should better move on, otherwise I will be late for work (hence, I give myself plenty of time not to be late). The baristas are very nice, but waaaaaayyyyyy to slooooowwwww. Perhaps they should have one person working the register and one person the coffee drinks? But I don't even blame the staff; it's lack of management. Hopefully they will get it together as I would like for them to stick around.
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