by NiKKi N. on Friday night, I came here for my girl friend's birthday. Although it is small space which gets stanky quickly, you can't argue with the RSVP/$5 cover charge list and casual dress code. It was so casual, I saw a guy wearing gym clothes. Super cool dress code was also in effect: Urkel glasses, vests, fedora hats, bow ties, and clown noses. Wow, they actually let me in without wearing my buffalo plaid. Super crowded, lots of dudes, and the line was long at the bar so we went across the street to Steff's for drinks. I love people watching and listening to the random drunk conversations and old pick up lines from 1998.
by Erik Y. on I had my graduation dinner/after-party here and was surprised by the outstanding service and experience I got there. I made reservations for about 30 people, we had a nice private area booked for us, the food was great, and the service was probably one of the best I've ever had at any restaurant. The servers and hostess were very high quality, never making you feel like you're asking too much or are a burden for them. They were very professional about everything. And we never felt like we needed to leave early or move even after our time was up for our dinner reservations. So it was great. But I wouldn't recommend it for people who are expecting a great club atmosphere because there just isn't enough people for that.. it's great for a lounge atmosphere and big group dinner parties.
by Ezra Motonaga on The even girl:guy ratio requirement to get into this place would be totally justified if it was a kickass party inside. But alas, it was almost as disappointing as Britney Spears's VMA performance. Low ceilings, poor ventilation (be prepared to have your naked arm slimed by at least 1 REALLY sweaty guy's back during the night), overpacked and understaffed bar, and power tripping bouncers. And if you don't slide down to the main level, you have to make it down a steep flight of stairs that is not very friendly to high heels--I saw a girl fly down them and lose a shoe. If meat markets are your thing, this is a good place, but with the ultra dim lighting, even then, you really have to be a no-regrets person to wake up happy.