by Heidi M. on +1 Very nice place. I love the decor here. THe bathrooms are clean. They have 2 levels: upstairs is hip hop and downstairs is house. Get on the guestlist, its $5 +1 THe staff is very nice. The bouncers, cashier, and bartenders are all very hospitable and friendly. -1 Clientel sucks. I was in the hip hop room and a fight broke out and I got jack and coke spilled all over me. Mostly middle eastern and asian people. And alot of creepy guys who dance by themselves on the dance floor and grab your ass when you walk past them -1 parking sucks. no parking in the front or the street, so save yourself the time and pay 20 for the parking lot. -1 music totally sucked. I was in the hip hop room for most of the time. The DJ woudl play one top 40 song, then all of a sudden Poison or Bon Jovi would be on. It was really weird to me. One minute te crowd is dancing liek crazy... then Journey "dont stop believing" would be on and everyone would stop dancing and give each other a puzzled look. I dont know if i woudl come back. Maybe if i HAD to for a friends birthday, but i thought it wasnt worth the drive, the parking, and the hassle of getting ready and going to SF.
by allison g. on After reading so many mixed reviews, I was strongly contemplating if this place was worth a try. However, the buzz surrounding this place kinda sparked my interest so I figured what the hell let's give it a try. Came here with a friend of mine on a Sunday before a three day weekend. Got here around 11 and surprisingly the line was already popping. We assumed position and awaited admission. It seems like the bouncers were super selective and many of the people ahead of us did get rejected. Luckily when it was our turn for judgement day, the bouncer was actually nice and kindly let us in (I think my short skirt may have had something to do with it - so ladies make sure to bring out your inner sex kitten). So far, so good. Once we got inside I was far from impressed. The actual space was so freakin small - dance club my ass!! Drink prices were average - yet they were surprisingly and thankfully strong. I did enjoy the music - mainly hip-hop with a little 80's and house thrown in for good measure. The crowd was fine - it did seem like there was way more ladies than men, which was of course somewhat annoying. All in all I had a good time here. Do I think it's worth all the hype...absolutely not, but that seems to be a reoccurring theme for most NYC "hot spots".
by Rae Nezat on This is the place to stop in if you went to a fabulous party beforehand, and you're dressed to the hilt. I was coming from The Park in Chelsea, from a benefit gala for a ballet company performing at the Joyce. We passed by to see what was going on that night and it was 11:45p on a Thursday. My buddy had on a Tux, I wore Stella, I was already almost as smashed as Sadie Frost, during her dark bingeing days in London. We easily passed the Euros on line and were let in by these big hiphop looking bouncers...all without an ID! Turned out Moby was DJing that nite. What does that tell you? The door is pick and choosey, especially if everyone looks like everyone else's hipster neighbor or if u look like you just got here to America. They want your drink moolah, baby!!! Look like you can buy tons of 'em.