by Joni L. on Why can't we rate NO stars? I switched to UPS when I hated Fedex after they lost my passport. Now I'm going to have to switch to USPS because I loathe UPS and Fedex equally. Because of the "adverse weather conditions" and "emergencies beyond UPS' control" they failed to deliver ANY of the 3 packages I was expecting last week. Even though according to the tracking info, one was out for delivery, one was "in transit" scheduled for delivery by the end of the day today, and the other one had no tracking info other than "exception." The driver said that, though they were out for delivery, they must have not made it on the truck. He was slinging packages around in there like he heard one ticking. I went outside to meet him because I KNEW he would try to slink away without delivering my boxes. So I called UPS and, shocking, they have no idea where my packages are. For some reason they asked me about an address in Atlanta I'd never heard of. When I said no idea, they mumbled oh, the driver entered that address in the record for some reason. Um, what?! The driver entered some random address and now you can't tell me where my package is? Great. THEY probably have my package! Unbelievable in this day and age of electronic supply chain tracking. What can brown do for me? Stay brown because you're full of it. Make your name more descriptive - UNORGANIZED Parcel Service. Universally Poor Service. Unbelievably Pulverized Shipments (I've had that happen numerous occasions), Unequaled Package Smashers, Useless Package Service, And my favorite: Usually Pretty Slow. I realize that they're moving mountains of packages every day - but I get screwed by UPS all the time. Either they're smashed, or left in the rain (when I have a covered area for delivery), or lost. Oh and when you call to track a package and get the automated system? ALL of you packages are "on their way to you" - regardless of the real status. Uh, thanks for wasting my time with useless information. Though it's better than lies. Yeah. I'm worked up about this.
by Catherine T. on Something I found out today: Roast beef and sprouts generally do not go well together. Something else I found out today: Lisa M's Dallas Nightclub masher isn't quite as socially awkward when he's sober. At least he wasn't dancing. Some Meetup folks and I went here for lunch yesterday. The place was decently crowded, and the staff was nice. I ordered the roast beef sammich without carrots on a croissant, with iced tea and a cream cheese-chocolate chip danish. I ordered everything to go because I knew I'd be eating at Your Mom's later, and I didn't want the two places fighting for room in my belly, so I figured I'd save half my sammich for today. The sammich was pretty good, but I don't think alfalfa sprouts belong on a roast beef sammy. I had trouble not eating the whole dang sammich right there, though. Everyone else seemed to enjoy their food. I could definitely see myself going back to this place, especially for the desserts. I only had a bite or two of the cream cheese-chocolate chip paradise yesterday, but I am now going to go downstairs and stuff the rest of it in my mouth. Thank God I have a treadmill!
by Qiana Casilles on This place has many things that Austinites need - good drinks, great scenery, and good enough food. The fajitas are some of the best in Austin but the mexican martinis and margaritas are great. It doesn't hurt that this location is close to the University of Texas and that every female that attends that school is attractive. And they all go here. And they drink.