by Matthew P. on Terrible. The drinks are TINY and very expensive. The clientele are clicky and very full of themselves. The reason people go there is to just hang out with their own group and "congratulate themselves on being masters of the universe". No Thanks.
by Wilbur Vandalsen on I've been drinking here since, well, I don't want anyone getting in trouble (they seem to be tighter on ID's now - like the rest of the City), but I joke to friends that I was baptized here. Recently, I've been coming back here after soccer games on the UWS (it's the kind of place where a sweaty team can throw back some beers without feeling out of place on a weeknight) and I do sometimes come up here for a low-key night with friends to have a few beers and play pool. Yeah, it's kind of the same place as the Gin Mill, or Off the Wagon or Down the Hatch, but it still holds a special place in my heart and can be a lot of fun. Decent bar, friendly bartenders and OK dive bar food. Weeknights are great because of how laid back it can be. Recently, a small group of us came here, and played Beer Pong for three hours. Any night out that ends with a text to your girlfriend saying "I an dunk" is a good one.