Becker's Tavern
614 Howard Avenue
Saint Paul, NE 68873
Howard County
Phone: (308) 754-7134
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Rahul G. on
Can I give a 6th star? It ain't summer in New York without The Frying Pan.  Why you ask? Its a ship...that serves beer and sangria.  Ships are awesome, especially old dilapidated ones.  And, you know, beer and sangria can be cool too.  Put those together in New York city, with the skyline on one side and a scenic* jersey sunset on the other, and you've got yourself a winner!  More reasons? + It makes Coronas seem awesome. + The bathroom two floors down in the old engine room. I mean, how fucking cool is that? + There so many nooks on the ship that you can easily feel like you're in some sick private boat party, even when you're really not and there are a thousand other people around you. + They have the most incredible garlic fries in the world. + You can sing at the top of your lungs and no one will care 'cause every one is in high spirits.  Note - this may just be a plus for me 'cause I tend to break into song at very random times. + Going to the bathroom after dark is very exciting. Its like one of those suspense/horror parodies.  You feel a shudder down your spine when you hear a slight crumble of dead leaves, and suddenly see some crazy guy appear from around the corner in the dark alley way, only to realize that it's just some drunk dude who has a spring in his step cause he just took a good, long piss. + They make great burgers and little pizzettes.  You have to wait a while for your food, but its worth it! You're probably going to be chilling there for hours anyway. * Scenic is of course a relative term, but we take what we've got!
by b h. on
D imly Lit O verpriced U ltra Lounge C osmopolitain H aute Couture E xclusive B ig Shots A ffluent G uido-esce S outhEast to Las Vegas move it there where it belongs.
by Brant Downy on
A nice place for a small group to get together for drinks.  Fairly nice selection on the menu of African cuisine.  I've sampled most and they are well prepared.  Dancing usually ensues around 10pm so finish up to avoid having your chair removed out from under you.
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