Beer Barrel Inn
19 Fonda Avenue
Oneonta, NY 13820
Otsego County
Phone: (607) 432-9706
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by James L. on
Put aside the pt that I used to go to the harlot every weekend in 08 w/  crowd of min of 8. avg four to nine hundred/night. The music was great, drinks were okay. My first time back to the harlot in 09. The well-dressed door greeter with earpiece behind their ears were all on a powertrip. HELL, they dont even come close to making the money I spend a night. Well, they decide to play GOD once, twice in a week. Making minimum wage and push customers away. Have it your way. My friends and I will not be returning to the Harlot Thanks for the good times in 2008. 2009 is not so great for you guys
by Edgar Wakeham on
The Cinch is where my friends and I go when we've got a hair up our butts, been drinking all hours of the night and decide to go back to the bar at 6:00 a.m. after a long night/morning of drinking and lack of good judgement.  The Cinch always does us right on an early Sunday morning.  Mimosas, screwdrivers, random gays, great jukebox, pool table, outdoor seating area for us chain smokers, great bartenders who put up with patrons who have been boozing it for the past 8 hours and plan to go for 8 more.  What's up with the velvet lion picture?  Its very erotic.......
by Susan N. on
How can you not love a place that is just this odd? So this place is really great for what it is. A cheesy place with 80s music and other modern random crap thrown in with a college-type feel to it, though most are older. Expect no more and no less. But for those nights when that's what you want, this place rocks! It's also great for meeting weirdo freaks who try to proposition you (as displayed by following conversation) so just try to avoid those people. Friend and I having a cig outside, yammering away, approached by creepy looking middle aged dude. Creepy dude: Hi. Me: Hi (in a leave us alone way). Creepy dude: So what are you girls doing? Me: Smoking. Creepy dude: So you guys doing anything right now? Me: Uhh, smoking (thinking, didn't you just ask us). Creepy dude: You don't want to talk to me? Friend: Not really. Creepy dude: So you want to have a menage tois? Both of us: Ugh, no, go away! Yay, Phoenix and your creepy dudes that follow us out!
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