2431 16th Street
Moline, IL 61265
Rock Island County
Phone: (309) 797-6195
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Nathan J. on
Great happy hour and all you can eat veggie plate!! Dig it :-)
by Elizabeth B. on
I had heard all the hype about Zahav and I'm not really into hype. That said, it was really good. First of all, the service is excellent. The bartender was serving us this evening, not sure why, and while the bar was mildly busy he took plenty of time to explain the dishes and offer recommendations. He even brought a complimentary dish of the cauliflower. I am not a cauliflower person but this was delicious. We had the Turkish Hummus to start ... great ... the laffa was perfection. We also had the malauch (really, to die for) and the stuffed baby peppers, also good. They say to order lots and share it all, I also recommend this or you will get hungry later -- I am warning you!  Each dish is reasonably priced but they do start to add up. My only complaint is that everything but the malauch was very very salty.
by Lindsay Raugust on
all i gotta say is, everyone's mama and their mama used to club here (literally!).  i think my mom said that she used to come here on occasion.  now, how many clubs/bars can you say that about?  although...does one really wanna say that they've partied where their parents have?  hmmm... i haven't stepped foot into the edge since the last time i went to "fag fridays" with an ex and her bff.  here's what i remember from that last experience - men, men, and MORE men!  yea, yea, i know it was "fag friday's", but damn, it was all testosterone and perspiration.  i felt like i was in some kind of crazy underwear commercial and if i were straight, it would've been a nightmare since i couldn't have any of them.  i swear, i almost slipped because of all the sweat that was dripping onto the floor. the edge only equates to three big ones because the drinks are not too strong, the bathrooms suck, and the dance floor is way too small.  pluses are the nice patio in the back and their hours. anyhoo, i haven't been there on a straight night.  fag fridays and a dyke night that used to happen every month are the only times i've gone there.  come to think of it, why couldn't the dyke nights resemble the fag friday nights?  i wouldn't have mind being in an underwear commercial then.
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