Bella Rosa II
1712 South 10
Philadelphia, PA 19148
Philadelphia County
Phone: (215) 551-5572
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Colleen B. on
ummmmm, I adore strip clubs in this weird way... don't ask. However, when your earing drops on the floor and you are deathly scared to pick it up and wash it off and still feel it would not be sanitary enough to place back in your ear and think you were still going to get a staff infection, then I am not looking to RUN back here. BUT... if you are into a jukebox that you need permission from the strippers to touch, old ladies who have rolls they want you to butter and a really TMI sharing bartender then this is your spot. Just don't sit to hard anywhere or lean on anything... just lookin' out! Thankfully I was there with a huge group of amazingly fun people and I wouldn't have changed the experience for the world. GOOD TIMES!
by Christopher P. on
Glo nightclub is awesome. I've only been there once so far, on a Saturday night, and I had a blast. I plan on going back for more.
by Andrea Capracotta on
What'll ya have?  A greasy, greasy taste of nostalgia.  Not like I was around during the peak popularity of The Varsity, but I can still appreciate it for its mass of devoted fans today -- and so should you. Fast food at its finest, served to you by the finest.  Be sure to take home a red paper hat ... you'll figure out quickly what I mean.
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