by Steph C. on
I don't care if it's open until 4 AM. That would only be a benefit if I enjoyed the place. I've only been to Playhouse once, and I hope I never end up going again. First of all, can I just speak to the men of Hollywood for a second? The proper place to touch a woman you don't know is not the waist or the small of the back. I cannot stress this enough. I'm not even talking about sexual overtures. I've found that in places like Playhouse, when a man wants you to move, or get your attention for whatever reason, he doesn't pat you on the shoulder - he goes straight for the waist in the same way he might grab a cat by the scruff of its neck. It's infuriating, and really disgusting. When I went to Playhouse I hadn't planned on clubbing so I was wearing a long-sleeved dress with tights. No skin showing, not even a loose curve. Still, the waist-touching. Still, a man came up behind me and put his hands on my ass. I shouted at him, "You can't touch my ass, you menace to society," but by the time I yelled he had already moved on to his next victim. Incidentally, do you all know the definition of battery? It's just offensive contact with a person. If I ever come back here, I'm bringing my camera and suing the pants off the next guy who touches me. Incidentally, while they give off a less rapey vibe, most of the girls here are not much classier. I saw some gross girls in tight dresses hugging their wobbly bellies. Let's look at the positive for a second, the redeeming qualities that make this a two- and not a one-star review. Playhouse is huge, and it's very pretty. I was joining a few friends who got bottle service, and the service was fast and accommodating. The music was easy to dance to, and if the place were less sleazy, I could see it being fun. T-Pain was there that night, though I don't think he was doing much other than standing on stage waving his hands around with an entourage. Another bonus, especially for a lot of Koreans out there - you can smoke inside. Now more bad. The floor got nasty with thrown napkins soaking up spilled vodka and juice. You will get wet if you stand on the dance floor. I had multiple people spill all over me. One of my friends got sloppy drunk and started throwing ice cubes everywhere and no one stopped her. I suppose this is more on her than on the club, but I caught an ice cube with my cheekbone. As soon as we left, one of my friends realized he left a tie at the table, and we begged the doormen to let him back in to retrieve it. They had horrendous attitude and refused to let him through until the owner came by and gave the green light. Meanwhile, one of the doormen let in a skanky girl, and when we called him out, all he said was, "Well, she's my friend." Minutes later, we also realized that someone had stolen a digital camera and a pouch of insulin from another friend's bag. Who does that? What kind of low-life will pay the ridiculous fees to go clubbing in Hollywood, only to steal shit from a diabetic once inside? I hope that thief woke up the next morning, found out what he'd taken, and took a nap on a train track. I know there are cool people who go to Playhouse, and I'm sure it can be fun in its own way. Still, I had a horrible experience, and if I can help it, I'm never going back.
by Chris H. on
I lost count of how many times I overheard a neighboring drinker mangle the lyrics to Lonely Island's "I'm on a boat". Yes, look at you, you're on a boat. High five brah
by Sherie Kurtich on
This place was built up quite a bit to me for a long time before I ever had the opportunity to go check it out for myself. The build, for whatever reason, gave me the impression it was going to be a dimly lit bar with techno beats bumping from inside. What I found when I finally went there was a clean, well organized diner with some killer hamburgers and good salads. In many respects, it was better that I expected it to be. I highly recommend the sweet potato french fries with chipotle mayo, as well as any of their burgers. But stick with the beef, as the only legitimate knock here are the chicken sandwiches.