Belly Up Tavern
143 South Cedros Avenue
Solana Beach, CA 92075
San Diego County
Phone: (858) 481-9022
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Hours: unknown
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by bonnie l. on
Nice decor! Especially liked the huge communal sink (or is it a wash basin?) outside the bathrooms. They have a glass light bulb next to the faucets that you have to turn upside down to dispense the soap!! Love little details like that. And the soap smelled nice and minty, too. Not that anyone cares about that stuff in a bar/lounge... If you're like me and you like to dance your pants off at clubs, this place isn't for you (...and therefore, this place wasn't for me). I mean, it's nice and all, but it's definitely a bar/lounge scene for the bar/lounge people. There was no dance floor, I don't drink (*gasp* I know, I know, I shouldn't even be writing a review on here then), and I didn't have any of their food so I didn't really have much to do here except look for the green absinthe fairy (who was indeed not even wearing green, but a gold dress with green wings and toting around a cart of bottled "absinthe") and taking pictures. The crowd was very interesting: good-looking, and definitely fun to look at. There were people dressed in vintage clothes (ladies in flapper dresses and guys dressed oh-so-posh and looking fresh). It was a nice, refreshingly classy change from the tiresome skanky-girls-in-skimpy-dresses scene. Please stick to the dress code. Better yet, dress to the theme. Not because it's strict, but because it's fun. That's right: it's FUN to be part of the good-looking-and-classy crowd.
by Jeremy B. on
I was recently in Phoenix for the Solar Energy conference and, as with all cities I visit, I was in need of a quality watering hole. I found one in the Ghost lounge. The first day that I was there, I returned to my hotel after a long day on the convention floor and the receptionist at the hotel mentioned to me that they were doing a "reverse happy hour" at the hotel's lounge, the Ghost Lounge. I went up to my room, freshened up and figured that I would go have a drink at the lounge before I headed out to grab a bit to eat. The I sat at the bar and felt almost at home with the chill atmosphere, authentic decor (no attempts at being a Cheers or Irish pub or modern). The focus was just on creating a nice atmosphere to bring people together, serve some drinks and not charge too much. With 3 dollar well drinks, and the conversation about solar energy that I struck up with the guy sitting next to me, one drink turned into 3 which turned into more. Pretty soon, the bar tender Jason didn't need to ask what I was in the mood for, he just knew and was cool about it. At around 9:30 the music was turned up, just a bit, to get the atmosphere going, and some friends that I had made earlier that day joined me at the bar. What had started out as a nice and relaxed place to have a pre-dinner cocktail turned into a great place to have a small party. All the while no one was ruining the atmosphere with bad loud music or frat-boy like yelling. Just laid back fun and jokes. Needless to say that I never did make it to dinner, but that was ok because the Salmon skewers in coconut - teriyaki sauce were outrageously good and half priced thanks to the reverse happy hour. For the next two nights, I was sure to go eat before I hit the Ghost lounge. It is so hard these days to find a great bar but if you find yourself in Phoenix and need a good place to go, this is it. J. Yoni Bedine, CEO Sela Energy, Atlanta GA
by Dana Ve on
4 stars.  Only and specifically for those Thursday ladies nights. Free. Free. Free. Free admission. Free drinks. Free male strippers....say whaaaat?!?!? All other nights I've been smart enough to stay away.  For multiple...various reasons that are far too mean to say on rateclubs. Although! Never say never. If Justin ever books a Webster Hall show--you'll be sure as rain on a Saturday that I'll be there.
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