1112 East 6th Street
Tucson, AZ 85719
Pima County
Phone: (520) 903-9039
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Hours: unknown
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by Ileana S. on
It was a tough choice...three or four stars. The only thing that put a slight damper to the night is the $7 Blue Moon on tap and the $7 bottle of Red Stripe. I think $7 for a bottle is a bit ridiculous but perhaps I am used to more divey places and their prices. Here's what you will find: + A blue awning that says 218. Don't try to enter there. Enter to the right of that through the double doors. + You will find a doorman inside who will check your ID. + Go further and you will likely pay an entry fee. I paid $5 for a Monday night. + Inside you will find Sullivan Room: semi-brick interior, plenty of seating, plenty of dance space, pretty different colored flashing lights on  the ceiling, pretty good sound system (if you want to hear/feel the bass, this is the place) + Cold bathrooms with no soap...which means that the female bartenders have not properly washed their hands. + Bartenders who get down behind the bar...meaning that they are also dancing. I think that's awesome.
by Ladyinwaiting on
High prices and poor service combine to make the good food not good enough to tolerate the dead feeling in the mostly empty rooms. Frat house meets disco is the decor. A losing combo.
by Leang E. on
We had our drinks outside and it was pretty decent once you stir the margaritas up.  They have over 20 different flavors, and I had the coconut which tasted like Pina Colada which was very good.  Do not I repeat, do not order the Ugly Cactus because it is one ugly drink.  I don't even know how my other friend finished this drink that another friend ordered.  We finished our drink and went downstairs and made our way onto the dance floor.  I really like this club and the music.  I like how intimate the place felt.  I didn't feel like I was amongst a crowd of people.  There was a good mixed crowd.
by Jed Fylnn on
Overrated!  Went here on Saturday to meet a friend and as I walked in I could see her being harassed by a couple of guys.  She can take care of herself, so I just watched as she brushed them off.  I should have realized that's how the rest of the night would be.  All these place with boucers should really start regulating what type of people they let into their establishments.  The one positive thing I would say about this place is that the music was okay.
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