Bernice & John's Place
3238 South Halsted Street
Chicago, IL 60608
Cook County
Phone: (312) 326-9460
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Hours: unknown
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by Jacqueline M. on
Oh, Sugar!  You make me feel so amorous!  Something about your crystal burning fireplace, and your fantastically tasty White Russians put me in a mood for romance!  I think you may be my *favorite* bar in the whole wide world, because their isn't another bar I can think of where I'd rather get a drink with my fiancé.  I just love how warm and comfy the lounge is, while still remaining modern and fresh!  This is definitely NOT a dive bar (I mostly frequent dive bars in my neighborhood), and even though I can appreciate a good dive bar, Sugar satisfies my more refined tastes in a very big way!  A+ for the consistently great bar service and the friendly patrons.  This has been one of the few places where we've actually struck up conversations with perfect strangers. Note: I still need to try Sugar Café when it operates as a coffeehouse during the day hours.
by Osvaldo Maultasch on
Okay so a little mixed on this place... Must say I lov the fact they have half glasses which helps! big groups theres always that one"nondrinker" or "nonspender" who doesnt want to break a twenty to eat...granted.. So a half glass can run you $3.00 up to I cant remember,but the start is great! Full glass can start at 5.00 The lamb was tasty and so was the salmon......(off friends dish) My tuna was so/so... Oh did I mention im an event planner,but a concierge as well? So if I come off detailed you know why! :) The lamb was an appetizer and the portion more than generous for ten bucks! Overall I would go back, it was slightly noisy,but fun
by Grace J. on
Wow. This club is a sure placement on my "never-again" list. Lets start off with the service. It was a Friday night and jammed packed. But there were only  3 bartenders. I took me at least 15 minutes to get a drink. When the bartender came back with the drinks he said it was $27 and I handed him $40. He comes back with $3. I understand it was a  busy night and he can make a mistake. So I tried to get his attention to tell him that he gave me $10 short. Everytime he walked by I felt like he was not looking at me on purpose. I was waving for another 10 minutes before I got his attention and he gave me back the $10. After than it was impossible to order. My friends and I were ignored by the bartender basically the whole night. Yikes the bathrooms! There's only one bathroom with just 2 stalls in the whole club.  Do I need to say more? To get away from all that and just have fun, we hit the dance floor. All of a sudden we see two girls right next to us fighting to their death on the ground. Pulling hair and punching. It was really out of the blue. Then we see guys kicking the girls on the ground. It wasn't a sight to see. I have to say it was a bad experience I do not want to repeat.
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