Best Western Fort Scott Inn
101 State Street
Fort Scott, KS 66701
Bourbon County
Phone: (620) 223-0100
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Hours: unknown
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by Amanda D. on
Like Tamara said, it really is a no man's land to head over to the Gold Room, and that's coming from someone who lives in the area. It's not worth coming here to stay here all night. I found it best to take a cab to Midtown, go through places there, take a cab over to Gold Room, and walk back from there...just in case you want to be like "what the hell did I just go through?" to end your night. Of course this is also the way to have to pay the most but I can't imagine going there any earlier than we were there. I took my friends here because none of the places I took them to in Midtown pleased them....I was doing my best for having a group with a flip flop wearer. The place is awesome inside, that's for sure, as I am a fan of metallics. The random dancers are a bit odd. I apparently completely missed the one swinging around above my head. It's a bit confusing to navigate, especially when it's swarmed with people. And of course the bathrooms have your usual useless bathroom attendant and it's impossible to get to a sink because duhh got to fix your hair & makeup that nobody can see in the dark or care about because they're drunk and you look great no matter what. Drinks were the most expensive of the night, and the smallest. My silly friends were cluelessly buying shots of Patron when they asked for tequila. It was so loud that when they were asked "Patron?" they went with the whole smile and nod thing. It also took forever to get anyone's attention because they kept focusing on just the center of the bar. And I could not figure out what the hell was going on with the music. It was a rather chaotic experience overall, with a perfect soundtrack to complete it. It was a bit like someone was attempting to create mashups a la Girl Talk and doing a terrible, terrible job of it. I might give it another shot on a different night, but I don't see myself wanting to spend more than an hour there overall.
by Emile Voltin on
The food is all very well and good here -- but I was first introduced here to the dance floor, not the restaurant. If you bring a cool enough group with you, it's only a matter of time before a motley crew of very drunk folks end up on the tiny, poorly-DJ'd floor with you. And while it's not for everyone, I have always had a BLAST. A delicious scorpion bowl, though don't be afraid to ask for more liquor if you can't taste it at first! Their other mixed drinks I have always found to be STRONG, which, for the scene, is always exactly what I want -- a G&T there packs a hell of a punch!
by Lawrence Susswein on
Prob the best ambiance around - can't beat it. Siting near the jazz is well worth the extra fee because it feels like you are at a personal concert. Food is good and service can't be surpassed! *the only reason I don't give it that 5th star is because it's fondue...and to be honest what you get for what you for pay pisses me off. .5lb of chicken costs $23 to cook myself - makes no logical sense. But it's america and I paid it. I will be going back to have drinks and listen to jazz, will pass on the food from this point forward.
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