112 South 11th Street
Nashville, TN 37206
Davidson County
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by Mikey I. on Long overdue review. It was amazing the first time I checked it out almost a year and a half ago and it's still great. Despite the fact that I went here on Restaurant Week (which the food industry and many foodies usually hate), the service was prompt, courteous, knowledgable and helpful. It wasn't too packed too which was a plus. (Worth noting it was 9pm on a Sunday.) Everything is/waste fantastic and I suggest simply going for whatever looks appealing. Try not overfilling on their amazing hummus and laffa :) My personal picks: fried cauliflower, house smoked sable and "The Farsi" (the steak dish). NOM! It's too expensive to go here on the regular, in my opinion. Expect to spend $50+ per person to be completely full plus maybe a drink or two. However, it's so worth it to splurge on every once in a while.
by Alma Mauceli on Only tourists go here. ... BOOBS! BREASTS! PENIS!!!! Do I have your attention now??!?!?! I SAID, ONLY tourists go here! Get your REAL cheese steak from ANY neighborhood corner store or restaurant. Remember steak sammiches are a SURPLUS here in Philly, there are not some sort of rare delicacy. If it wasn't for gentrification, Zgenoes and Pats would probably NOT be in business. They are notoriously racist. (see police collage outside of genoses) An embarrassment to humanity. The most ironic part about this place is their infamous "order in English" sign posted out front. Wait, did I miss something? Are Italians NOT immigrants now? Since when were Italians considered white people? Americans speak English! NOT ITALIAN!! All in all, this place has bee-come a laughable part of Philadelphia only bee-cause the tourists who frequent this place keep going there. The reason why people go to these two tourists traps is bee-cause they want the "easy" cheese steak. As I mentioned earlier, anyone FROM Philly knows you get a cheese steak just about ANYWHERE -- corner store, pizzeria, deli, etc..but to the tourists (that includes you jersey sheeple too!) vnturing into the 'hood' into a 'stragne corner store' is 'too risky' --- THIS IS WHY GENOES HAS TWO MILLION NEON LIGHTS AND SIGNS ALL OVER IT. For if you are too SKUURD to walk a block over to the unassuming no name deli to get a REAL AUTHENTIC STEAK, then you DESERVE all the neon-racist ABUSE that these ITALIAN **IMMIGRANTS** can dish out. People often complain about the rudeness of the counter people here at genos. My answer to that is: They serve cheesesteaks from a vat for a living. What would you expect. But again - IT TAKE TWO TO TANGO. If you are here... then.....
by Maribeth Pedley on I honestly have no idea how to even begin this review. I'm sitting here staring at this box recounting all the things that happened on Saturday at Lime and there after and I cannot construct it into words. Wait.. yes I can.... OVER THE TOP UNBELIEVABLE FUN!! The food is good, the mimosas are flowing, the music is loud, the servers are amazing (they have to be to put up with that many drunk people. Cheers for the best waitress Leila!!) and the people are CRAZY. WARNING: You will get so wasted that you will do things you will regret the next day and quite possibly the day after.