Big Apple Bar
17080 Northwood Highway
Arcadia, MI 49613
Manistee County
Phone: (231) 889-5908
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Allison R. on
I've only been to the cat club for 80s night, but i gotta tell ya, i was blown away.  this bar is great!  great tunes, great people, great outfits, great everything.  i love how much people get into it with dressing up.  the ventilation leaves something to be desired - it gets really hot in there.  but overall it's a great spot on a thursday night
by Tushar K. on
The best thing about this place is that it's similar to a club but there's no cover. The dance floor is hot and sweaty and the drinks are pretty average. There are generally a bunch of underage drinkers here so it can get kind of wild. I think bubble lounge's layout / service offering is unique but POORLY executed.
by Jamel Hiss on
Ugh.  Same shit as all the other clubs in the area but with door men who are even more colossal dicks than I'm used to.  I mean really, nobody cares that you have a line outside. Second floor is pretty cool and not as packed and crazy as the first.  Unfortunately there is only one men's and one women's bathroom and despite the fact that the men's bathroom has a urinal and a stall, only one person is invited in at once.  I mean come on, really? I would never come here of my own volition but if a promoter friend is throwing a party here and I have nothing else to do on a Tuesday, I'll stop in.  Thank god there were cool people there (my friends) or it would have been unbearable. The bouncers were nuts about smoking and we lost quite a few just-lit cigarettes.  Stupid.
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