Big Daddy'z
19248 Highway 27
Pierz, MN 56364
Morrison County
Phone: (320) 468-6063
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Jeanmarie Kevorkian on
I typically avoid places with "velvet ropes", but I thought I'd give this place a shot.  Disappointing. Overpriced, dressed up bar food.  And lame crowd to boot.  Tables spaced to far apart in a white, cavernous space.  Won't return.
by giggler E. on
Good Lord...
by Susan G. on
Attention riders...located right in the heart of center our (left/right) is....(long dramatic pause) The Ghetto mall. Here you can find...such places as Kmart, Express, Burlington Coat Factory, Dollar Store, Cheap Dollar Store, Perfume Kiosk, Cracked out Santa/Bunny/other fairy tale character of the season, bums, garbage, strange odors, a gross food court, Modell's, Borders Express(where loitering to read is unacceptable), and more kiosks and trash than can be thought up. I despise this place...before Macy's closed down the best Strawbridges in the world I could tolerate it...but now...there is no hope for (dun dun dunhhhhh) the Ghetto Mall. --FIN--
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