Big Dawg's Bar & Grill
107 Main
Maple Park, IL 60151
Kane County
Phone: (815) 827-4066
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Hours: unknown
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by Eric Honeyestewa on
I love to throw parties at the Phoenix.  You can get a big room for a little over a c-note.  There's a pretty good restaurant, a club, and a pool with cool table/beds poolside.  Some of the rooms have little decks where you can smoke and watch people sell crack and turn tricks while safely (ish) sequestered behind plexiglass.  Kinda like a reverse zoo.  Best thing about partying at the Phoenix- no one breaks your shit.
by gwynnie p. on
5 stars for the bar wench working the Jane Fonda in Klute look (circa 1971). So I says to her "you look hot" and she says "you should see it in the morning, it's just a wrinkled old lady with a dick" I say "sounds hot" she snorts "you're twisted". What would you have said, really? No doubt I had equally intelligent discourse with fellow Rateclubers at the "Fourth And A Halfsies Annual Them Chickens Is Ash And I'm Lotion Pomegranate & Persimmons DYGay". If I called you a slut or a loser, hello, that's a term of endearment. The Cinch is cool. It has been on Polk Street over 30 years, long enough to remember when Halloween was celebrated on Polk (edgier crowd) AND Castro (clone-ish crowd with flannel shirts and bar-handled mustaches) and you could buy young human flesh or a quaalude for about the same price. Another 5 stars for longevity. Thanks for letting DYGay invade your space. Sorry we took up so much room in the pool area. Hopefully we spent enough to help you stay open another 30 years, and I want to be there in 2038 to see the same wench working that Klute look. Here's the useful part-weekly at The Cinch: Monday-All night Happy Hour! Tuesday-Pool League Night Wednesday-Free Pool after 8pm Friday-Charlie Horse-A Rock 'n Roll Drag Explosion More useful info: Drinks are cheap and strong. Also featuring free wireless, smoking patio, video games, pinball machines and internet jukebox.
by Rene Y. on
I always say I hate this place, but since my girl friends call Harlot their home, I am a frequent visitor. The guys are old and greasy, and the girls dress, shall i put it nicely - "trampy". But if you're just looking to get wasted and dance to house music in a "i am so nyc" scene, this is worth checking out. There's no cover, but to get in, you should either show up at 10pm or keep the ratio 4:1. The bouncers are nice to girls, and stern, but polite to boys. Tip: Go on a dead night (week night), become friends w/ the owner and get a harlot sticker for your ID. Oh and it doesn't hurt to be a hot girl. Harlot sticker = permanent VIP you social butterfly you.
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