Big Dog Installer Club - Office
460 Walker Street
Daytona Beach, FL 32117
Volusia County
Phone: (386) 253-5202
Fax: (386) 253-5078
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Hours: unknown
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by Danilo Liverani on
I know I'm not so young anymore but this place was genuinely bad on the night I went there. It's good for some but the crowd alone left more to be desired. The only savings grace was that I was there with some very excellent friends. The line was unnecessary, the space was small, the clientele tried to pick a severely unnecessary fight w a person in our party and then to top it off... there was not one but two fashion shows that interrupted my dancing. The fashion was faux, as were the models, and some were modelling t-shirts. Really? At one point the sound just kinda went out then came back on but really loud and then not so loud but loud and fuzzy and I just wanst sure why I had even bothered to head out. If you are ok with all of those things, then this is the place for you, but for someone like myself who enjoys dancing, a good drink and good hassle free, respectful and reasonable times with friends its a sure miss!
by Squishy D. on
Downtown Michael Brown is hands down the best bartender in the city. Forget the necktie frou frou cocktail bartenders who have a PhD in mixology, Michael is a true neighborhood barkeep who will never make you feel like you're a bother when you want a drink (imagine that!). I don't know about the general masses, but I like it when I can taste the alcohol in my drink, and that's what you get here. Good prices, good happy hour, pool is free on Wednesdays and Chicken Strip is highly entertaining. I wish Jaunita would stop encouraging that girl to strip - no one cares about your titties in a gay bar. Please. The only downside is that some people ruined the patio for everyone and it closes at 10pm. Hopefully by then we're drunk enough to be able to stand on the street without a drink for long enough to smoke a cigarette. It's also a welcoming place for my friend's big ol' Bouvier puppy, who loves hanging on the patio too.
by Fabian Lenart on
Um.. where's the wood? Why get all sexed up just to be around a bunch of bacon and tomato baby bimbos? If I wanted to score chicks, I'd go to Cubby Hole in my ripped sweats, dirty sneakers and softball jersey to cozy up next to Rosie O'Donnel's  Look-alikes. Barf!
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