Big Franks Hideaway Tavern
25 North Main
North Star, OH 45350
Darke County
Phone: (419) 336-7351
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Lauryn M. on
If you like to dance your pants off to ridiculously well mastered mash-ups, mark your calendars for the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month.  Bootie caters to our secret or not so secret, realized or unrealized obsession for pop music blended with a diverse collection of musical genres.    Drinks are reasonably priced, you can dance on the stage and after you've showed off your moves enough, you can get a delicious slice of pizza next door at Bowers pizza.  Always with an eclectic mix of people, antics and plenty of costumes, Bootie is a great place to hit up with a group of friends.
by Heather L. on
Came here recently on a first date. I've walked past many times but never really knew what kind of establishment it is. Didn't go for dinner but the food smelled amazing. I can't wait to go back and try it. We went for the music and were not disappointed. I haven't listened to live Blues in years so seeing John Lee Hooker Jr. was quite a treat. Biscuits and Blues is a great place to see a show. It's small and intimate and doesn't have a bad seat in the place. The service was attentive without being annoying and they don't harrass you to purchase a set amount of drinks. I can't wait to go again.
by Katina Annarino on
Maybe it was the night I was there (there were nametags being produced and green fortune cookies handed out) but I just wasn't feeling it. Super crowded, can't hear anyone talk - granted, I probably just wasn't drunk enough to enjoy the atmosphere but so it goes.  Drinks were decent though, and they did have some $5 specials going on at the time (it was basically an apple martini with some other name attached to it).  Bathroom was gross. Might be worth another shot on a weekday though, but aside from the green fortune cookies it was an overall 'meh.'
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