by Lani R. on Dark chocolate is life. I would die a little if Amy's ever went away. The line is out the door most weekend evenings and they'll do tricks if you want!!! When I pulled out my video camera, they offered to do a trick so here is a link to the video of ice cream throwing!!
by Jimmy N. on Venue: Small but comfortable. Music: Awesome. Bartenders: Cool. Drinks: Strong but still taste good. Dance Floor: Crowded. Awesome. Crowd: Friendly. Enjoyable. Men's Bathroom: Tiny. Walk in, Do your business, Turn left, Wash your hand, Turn left, exit.
by Kermit Uriarte on I just love this place! A group of us went yesterday, hung out on the roof top and watched the amazing sunset over the Atlanta skyline. The service was excellent, my blacken shrimp tacos super yummy and Lemon Drop Martini and Margarita were high quality.
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