Big Shots
1811 Frederick Avenue
Saint Joseph, MO 64501
Buchanan County
Phone: (816) 232-6633
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Paola Lubke on
In my heart of hearts, I am a day drinker. Or maybe just an alcoholic. Probably just an alcoholic. I'll get the obvious out of the way: Favorites: - Coconut gelato - Avocado-lime gelato - Lime sorbetto Now for the secret Konami code that really puts this place in high gear for me: Dear Capogiro, I love your full bar. I love that gelato is an option, and not a requirement. I love that you are situated right on Walnut, where I can watch all the undergrads stroll by on my lunch break, and judge the sh*t out of them - Cornell-4-lyfe. Most of all, I love that you were one of the spurs of life that came into U-City, a place that I'd left 7 years ago, and returned to 2 years ago, to find that people cared about the neighborhood again. You're way better than the old crappy movie theater that used to be where you are. Anyone remember that place? Back in... 1998? Damn, UCity has come a long way. Your fan, Vichet Pro-tip: They have two taps, and are frequently rotating them, in addition to numerous bottles and cans. They have a respectable wine list for an establishment of their size. Grab a drink, and go outside to enjoy what has become a pleasant view of the west end of Penn's campus.
by Dorethea Quijada on
Where else can you play pool, get strong drinks for cheap, and avoid big crowds? TRUNKS, duh! It's on of only a few dives in WeHo. Really though, this is an oldy. I love this place. We usually drop in for drinks here first then head over to an overpriced club. I suggest trying this next time :)
by Jane K. on
What a sweet venue! I love the wine cellar thing they have going on, with the organic fixtures and dark hallways. Favorite drink: Bubble Bellini. At one point I tipped the glass so far I choked on the bubbly stuff...but that was my own greedy fault. Favorite eat: Veggy sandwich. There was some sort of great spread on that 'wich that made me - a strict carnivore - go after these like a cavewoman after a cheetah. Well, maybe not exactly like that...
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