Big Shots
931 West Central Avenue
Toledo, OH 43610
Lucas County
Phone: (419) 243-3938
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Francisco G. on
Tex Mex...more like NoMex. It's hard, I hardly like TexMex because I'm Mexican but some places do offer great Tex Mex. (In my opinion, Texmex is just chilli sauce with tons of yellow cheese) This place is a great hangout with great drinks...that's about it. The service here was horrible, but the one on Little Texas Lane is way better though. I've given little stars today, I'm sorry maybe it's the weekend but this place was no good to me ;(
by Nicole D. on
A stellar and classy venue. How fantastic is it that you can dine and watch a killer band perform? How fantastic is it that the bartenders wear suits that transport you back to a feeling of being in the 50's? How fantastic is it that bands sound really great here live? Alcohol prices are wonderful, but the one thing that bums me out is that it's cash only. I tend to buy more drinks if it's on my card :-).
by Elmer Plaza on
Great place, great 80s night. Hope you like Morissey because in the second room they play a lot and its awesome! Fairly good crowd, lots of people really into it and an authentic 80s vibe.
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