Big Teddy Bear Inc
3513 North Pulaski Road
Chicago, IL 60641
Cook County
Phone: (773) 267-5490
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Hours: unknown
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by Ben R. on
I like this place.  I hadn't heard of it it before, but I went to a friends birthday.  But, this would be a place that I would go to. Alot of people say this is a good place for "day drinking."  I went at night and on a Friday.  Overall, it was a nice place - it gets crowded rather quickly, but if you kinda wait it out - you can find seating.  However, it get's really crowded (a lot of elbowing through crowds). The scene was kinda Jersey frat boyish/somewhat douchey and wanna be model girl later on in the evening.  Earlier in the evening, it seemed more of a place for people to grab a drink after work, etc.  I liked it because it was a mixed crowd. I would say the best thing is the Corona bucket, which is nice if you are with a group.  The bathrooms are kinda nasty (the men's anyway) and when I was there someone was throwing up, which made it that much nastier.  I just wish they would clean it up a bit more. As a smoker, I did like it because I could smoke.  I didn't see a designated "smoking area" or anything.  For the non smokers, I guess this could be a problem.  But, at the same time I didn't see any large groups of smokers.  The only thing is that the place tends to get cramped and if you are lucky enough to get a table, everything is really camped.
by jason e. on
5 stars for this place as a bar and live music venue. 1 star for the food. (5 + 1) / 2 = 3. So there you go. Hit up Cafe du Nord for fun, not for grub. As far as live music venues in SF go, this one is chill, accessible, authentic.
by Elroy Kluender on
I stay away while football/soccer is on, because it's a crowed little spot when something interesting is on. So many football jerseys, so little space. They spill out onto the sidewalk, smoking and yelling. Though, if I were trying to follow the games this is probably where I would end up. I stay away when DJs are playing. They have either the same DJ all the time, or DJs with the same style... Too often they play songs all the way to the end, don't know how to mix them, and then have alot of dead air. In my opinion, not cool. Seems outrageous to me that they charge you money to listen to it. They have a bizarre shift change around 9pm. The waitresses take off, not before they circle like hawks and bug you to close your tab with them. They also practically pull the tables out from underneath you (in the main floor) to make way for the "crowd and the music". It was however a nice place to go for the 4th of July. Quiet, cool, we had a somewhat persistent waitress (which is now just tradition in my mind) and a group of four of us. At the end of our meal, we finished our beers and looked for our waitress. She along with 90% of the patrons and staff were out on the sidewalk watching the fireworks. We joined them, and then all filed back in for more Newcastles and #9s. The bathrooms are beyond creepy here. You also have to go all the way through a HUGE raging sea of dancing people (depending on the night) to get to it. However, there is more than one stall in this bathroom. The food here is just okay in my opinion. I had a bad experience after trying the calamari, but the hummus plate is good.
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