Bilbo's Bar & Grill
4790 West Ann Road
North Las Vegas, NV 89031
Clark County
Phone: (702) 395-0205
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by julie m. on
follow these 2 simple rules, and you will love bob bar: 1. do not come here with boys. especially hipster boys. they will whine and refuse to dance. 2. seriously, don't come and complain about the crowded, sweaty dancing. that's why we're here! get over yourself and get loooooow. do come here if you've had enough drinks to seriously pop lock and drop it to your late-90s thru mid-2000s dance party playlist. luniz, snoop dogg, odb, ying yang twinz--  to the window...
by Schuyler L. on
We heard it was a bit on the expensive side so we went for lunch on a beautiful day.  The service was great, the food was delicious, perfect portions, reasonably priced, and the drinks ($3 Coronas) were cheap.  I'd rather have glasses than plastic cups, but it IS a boat....  And, seeing as they have a restaurant that could essentially rot and sink, I'd say a lot of people are coming together to make this a classy well run restaurant!
by Hugh Romney on
Crowded, small, dancy, good music, dark. Prices are average.
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