Bill's Place
1784 Highway 654
Gheens, LA 70355
Lafourche County
Phone: (985) 532-2322
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Morris Faes on
Went on a Friday & had a great time! The band was great. The lead female singer was very interactive with the crowd and you could tell she had fans and she gave them the attention they wanted. Food was pretty good. Hostess want friendly at all. But she kept staring at my date. LOL!!! So I didnt take it personal. The wait staff may have either been overwhelmed or just not attentive. But she was nice enough and came when we finally caught eye contact with her. We lucked up and got a booth with a view of the dance floor. Be careful with these seats tho because ppl lean over with their drinks to watch the band and the dance floor. Try to get the ones behind the first row that are elevated. So you still have a great view with out having the risk of a drink spilling on your head. BUT on the up side - they may comp your meal.
by Lionel Conzales on
A wise chinese man once said to me "Let's play golf at chelsea piers."  So we did. Granted neither of us really play golf.  And it was a frigid December day.  But we worked up quite a sweat smacking those golf balls towards the hudson (echoes of seinfeld, anyone?)...  I even managed to hit the ball collecting cart 3 times, for an overall success rate of about 2% -- hopefully I'll improve with more practice.  The driving range stalls even have conduction heaters to keep you toasty warm.  i was initially unhappy about paying $25 to hit a bunch of balls, but I had a REALLY fun time.  (btw, if multiple people are going, you can save money by having one person rent all the golf clubs needed for the group rather than renting them individually) I've also been to chelsea piers for a birthday bowling party, and my college senior prom.  Both events were fun.  A great place to spend some time (and money) when you're looking for something fun to do during the day besides visiting museums.
by Kat H. on
I went to Rouge last night to support a good cause and attend the event that I posted on rateclubs, Party 4 a Cure, 80s style. I got there late, around midnight. Everyone was already wasted except for the cover band, who gets a star. The place only gets half of a star and my Tom Collins gets the other half. The "DJ" was actually a CD that came on during band breaks.
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