by Lia M. on The most unassuming, inclusive, down-to-earth piano bar in town! Sunday and Monday nights are the best nights if you want amazingly talented piano players, and wonderful singing by jazz and musical theatre professionals who come here in their off-time. The drinks are strong yet expertly crafted and very affordable. Come here long enough and you become part of the Martuni's family! As long as you are polite to the wait staff, they are wonderful to you. Be a dick, and get treated like a dick. A great mix of people, from outrageous drag queens, to 80 year old feeble women - and the perfect environment to keep anyone in between happy (disclaimenr: frat boys will not like Martunis. But that's about it) I give it my highest rating.
by Rod Kettering on One star for a promoter publicly insulting me on a rateclubs talk thread . . . a thread that she posted to promote her club. She was rude to me while promoting = bad customer experience. Seriously, if the people who are [presumably] paid to get asses in the door are going around calling prospective customers "homophobic jerks" I shudder to think how they treat you after they take your money. As for *me* being a homophobic jerk- honey, have you met me? Do you know how foolish that sounds? At least this experience cemented my view that Rise is just another overpriced venue in Boston that takes itself way too seriously to be any fun. Ah well, I'll giggle about the whole thing, though, next time I head into Jacques. Now THAT'S a fun time!
by Elan A. on I don't think eating BBQ at the airport was a good idea... I heard Salt Lick was the best BBQ Austin has to offer but I think it's all about the original location. The sauce is really unique... I recommend the spicy versus the mild. Next time I'm in Austin, I'm trying the real thing!