Billy Bob's Bar & Grill
314 West Main Street
Albion, NE 68620
Boone County
Phone: (402) 395-2177
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Hours: unknown
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by Ken C. on
This is the wife and my new favorite hangout. Very laid back, nice prices, great outdoor area. The pizza is good -- not Home Slice good -- but not bad. I have to remember to order a healthy amount of garlic, because I looooove garlic on my pizza. But chillin' in the outdoor area is really nice, even when it's sweltering hot, as it was this weekend. Tonight they played a lot of Cake, which I appreciated. Extra points for having the absolute hottest waitress in town. Karen is like Megan Fox's better looking cousin. Yes, I said it, better looking than Megan Fox, and I stand by it! Go see for yourself if you don't believe me.
by Deja Odmark on
Best bar in Philly?  really?  REALLY?  This is joke, yes? While I was digging the pressed tin ceiling, the dark wood bar, and the fabulous beer fridge, this place is a most effective lullaby, as I was so bored within 15 minutes of being here that it was off to nappy town. At first I thought maybe I'd spotted my first hot Philly scumbag bartender.  Then I realized that he had washed his hair today, was wearing clean pants, seemed to care about serving customers, and didn't appear to be even slightly retarded.  For shame!  You sir, are a TERRIBLE dirtbag! Also, I thought this place was supposed to have a jukebox!  I was totally stoked!  And yet, I saw none.  Something else I saw ZERO of was hipsters.  Everyone here just seemed real nice and swell, drinking a beer and wearing a fleece.  Zzzzzzzzzz. They probably have tasty food, and the drinks are adequately strong.  However, this place didn't just miss the "cool boat", it probably didn't even have any idea where it was sailing from.
by Esther K. on
Helen Keller might really like this place. If you look inside and you're blind & deaf, the place ain't half bad. If you look inside and happen to not be deaf, it gets a little sad. The music is "by request" which means that one song to the next is totally random. The songs were good, but most of them were really, really impossible to dance to, so I got bored with it all by 11:30. But even before you get bored of the ecelectic song selection, make sure you have your beer goggles on. You'll be hard-pressed to find any eye candy with 20/20 (I tried & failed) unless you're just watching the bartenders all night. I have a thing for bartenders though.
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