by Donna M. on Starting out from 3 stars... -1 for not having any of my people listed on their discounted gl, despite e-mailing manor west, showing them the email where they explicitly confirmed my people were on the gl, then having the audacity to tell us, "oh well, you can just pay $20 or go somewhere else." How extremely rude! We eventually convinced another bouncer to get all the girls in for $10, which we were expecting in the first place. Thanks for the completely unnecessary hassle, Manor West bouncers! You guys give bouncers the well-deserved reputation of jerks on power trips. +1,-1 for the manager comping us "4 drink tickets," once we openly complained to him of our terrible experience. Once he left, however, the girl at the register proceeded to give us 3 drink tickets instead of 4. Do idiots work here, or can you not count? +1 for the nice interior and set-up, great improvement from the dive that used to be Boss. -1 Bartender made a terrible martini. How can you possibly screw up a classic drink? -1 The outdoor patio was so cramped. Trying to get some air turned into this messy ordeal with people--trying to leave, going to the restroom, needing to get air-- all cramming into this one tiny hallway. For a grand total of 1 star, way to go Manor West for completely underwhelming me! overall, it was eh.. Won't be giving this place another shot anytime soon.
by Lisa B. on This place really isn't my scene. I have been here a couple of times on different nights and it just doesn't work for me. First, it is crazy packed...crazy CRAZY packed. If you love sharing sweat with the rest of Atlanta then this is the place for you. Even if you aren't dancing you'll be sweating from all the heat generated by the thousands of bodies in there. If you are dancing forget it - when you leave you are going to look like you just got out of the shower! There is no where to move so you better set up shop in an area of the club that you like, because you won't be moving. Also, the drinks are really over priced for what you get. Yes, I bitched about Vision and Compound for the price of their drinks but they look like a value compared to what Opera is charging. And please, someone teach these 'tenders how to make a good Long Island. I thought that Long Island would be offered in Bartending 101 but apparently not. I couldn't find one bartender to get the mixture right. The music is also a mess. From hard rock to rap superstar they mix it all together. I like to go somewhere with a good mix of music but it has to work together. The DJs at Opera will put a Metallica song with a Jay-Z beat. It's just a little spastic for me. Finally, this place really thinks they are something. They love to hold the line so that you'll have to pay cover. So plan on getting there early if you wanna get in for free.
by Delores Korando on Random Drunkeness. SAY NO TO CROWN. grey goose for me. buzzzzzzzzz haha this place has the same crowd as prive...its a fucking high school reunion. im too old for this place. seriously. gnight.