Black Hails Saloon
5005 South Ridgewood Avenue
Port Orange, FL 32127
Volusia County
Phone: (386) 756-6161
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Hours: unknown
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by Ann V. on
I apparently had an amazing time here at SET, but sadly I can hardly remember a thing due to my level of intoxication. What I do remember is that: 1. I had room to dance and was not smashed up against a bunch of sweaty people. Conclusion: It must've been spacious. 2. I was definitely feeling the music and it made me happy. Conclusion: A good DJ, but I suppose everything sounds good with a distorted perception. 3. There was no line or cover or at least I don't think there was? Conclusion: How did I even get inside? My description of this place may not be accurate -- it could have been spacious bc it's quite possible that no one was really there and the music could have been terrible.. BUT I don't care. I'd go here again! In great company, any place can be fun. I only wish I could remember the awesome decor and other such wonderful details that fellow rateclubsers have mentioned. Less alcohol and a camera next time, shall we?
by Gia V. on
I wish I could move Griffin out of MPD so they can remain cool forever.. The space is absolutely stunning, I came here and enjoyed watching drunk sloppy models posing for a photo shoot dancing all over those gorgeous couches. On another note : Where the hell did they find that bartender??? It was open bar so honestly I don't know the drink prices, but his spin on a lychee martini would be worth every penny. I tend to stay away from clubs these days, but I'm willing to make an exception for Griffin even if it is just to score another good drink.
by Juliette Tagala on
I went here for techno night because a friend was spinning here. It's a townie bar.. with a hole in the wall feel. It wasn't terribly busy.. but there was only one bartender, so she was pretty busy. The drink was okay.. a little watered down for my taste. It was a good place to come with your friends to hang out and drink. I'd probably come again on a different night to check it out.
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