Blaze Discotheque
13090 Inkster Road
Redford, MI 48239
Wayne County
Phone: (313) 535-7885
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Barbar Janos on
this joint has been here forever!  yet, i have never been till last week, where Sketch Tuesdays is held. My old man got a chance to sit in and fart around with all his dang prismacolors and sell stuff on the spot for cheap.  It was fun!  He sold a sharpie drawing he threw together while his blood sugar was low- a f*$%*ing wizard with bubbles and strange words and a long beard. anywhoo, It is basically in the middle soma near all the academy of art branches and down the road from moscone.  parking is easy. The feeling i get is that this place is supporting and providing a space, an outlet, an oasis, a meeting point for all the artistically minded folks of the area, to feel free and inspired to continue on our unconventional paths. Oh yes, the music offerings are legendary as well. thanks for reading.
by Katie Gacek on
After 2 hours and 45 minutes of Avatar (jeez-sus!) at IMAX, I was starving. I haven't been back here since college so I wasn't totally sure what to expect. I rocked the drive thru and was surprised at what seemed like a pretty large menu. I ordered a grilled chicken salad and actually apologized to the guy taking my order that I had come to Playa's and was ordering a salad. I did man up and get the bacon and cheese on it though. My order was ready in a jiffy and I was pleasantly surprised to find out they now take credit cards. My order was $6 flat which seemed a little high for a salad. But I was about to eat my own hand, so they get an extra star for coming through. Plus there was what had to be an entire chicken breast on my salad (in small pieces, yea! I hate when peeps put like four giant slices), and real pieces of bacon hot off the grill - and a lot of it. Cheese was barely present, and I wasn't a fan of the four big tomato slices, but all in all, good stuff. Tip: There is not a ton of parking so if you are in a bind, note that parking at the nearby IMAX/museum garage is free after 6pm.
by Jason L. on
This place is absolutely amazing.  To maintain the integrity of the room, please dress appropriately.
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