Blind Tiger
2115 Walker Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27403
Guilford County
Phone: (336) 272-9888
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Ronny K. on
sickass sounds in the heart of the tenderloin. yes, i'm a fan.
by Nicolette Jerdee on
All flash, no substance.  My friend and I joined the debate between Geno's and Pat's... yeah, Geno's was not that good.  The sandwiches looked pretty sad.... hell you couldn't even tell that it was a philly cheese steak, unless someone told you.  My friend and I split an original with whiz.  Yeah, not impressed.  I think I could've gone to subway and been more satisfied. Bottom line- tourist trap.  Take a picture, but then walk across the street to get a quality cheese steak. Chuck Norris Rating- purple nurple... to the nurples
by Coley W. on
Six Feet Under doesn't bother much with health food. But it's a great place to go during the summer. Sit up on the rooftop deck that overlooks the historic Oakland Cemetery (home to "Gone With the Wind" author Margaret Mitchell), order a beer and some fried oysters, hush puppies, alligator bites, or peel and eat shrimp, and have yourself a time. Six Feet Under is located right next to Ria's Bluebird Cafe, adjacent to Cabbagetown. It's a hop, skip and a jump from Downtown or Grant Park.
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