Blind Willie's
828 N Highland Av Ne
Atlanta, GA 30306
Fulton County
Phone: (404) 873-2583
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Blind Willie's - About Us
No Description Available for Blind Willie's.
Website Description and Information
Live music schedule, directions, and other information regarding Blind Willie's Blues Club in Atlanta, Georgia,
winner of the 1997 WC Handy Award for Blues Club of the Year
Staff and Visitor Photos
No Images On File.


by Willie Rixie on
If I never see another oxford shirt, khaki pants, and blue blazers, I can pass out happy tonight. This place is a little to "look at me I'm preppy and have a southern boy bowl haircut" for me. And the bar is so freaking crowded you either have to be a football player, a tall girl, or a fucking hot bitch just to get any service. Sadly, i'm none of the above, so I end up asking my fucking hot bitch friends to buy me drinks. I should say that my experience here was marred by my friend getting so hammered she ended up puking in the bathroom for 2 hours... and for some reason I was responsible for ensuring she didn't pass out with her face in the puke-filled toilet. But, before that experience, Fado's was just okay. It was crowded, pretentious, and hot (i'm talking temperature hot). If I want all of that business I can just go hang out around Emory.
by Reuben Najjar on
if you are a tourist, i recommend this place. expensive cover indeed. but you are paying for the interior decor & cute looking clubbers inside. :)
by Reed F. on
"BLAH" It's kind of a cloned nightclub, nothing creative about it. The walls change colors, blah-who cares, that's about it. I can't knock the door staff, they were respectful, at least the way they treated me and my friend. The bathrooms are a disgrace, absolute disgrace. They don't even have a toilet in the men's room! There are 2 urinals, and on top of it they have a bathroom attendant! So it's nice and crowded in the little men's room they have. The DJ was weak. They need to look into hiring a better DJ if they want to stay in business.
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