Blizzard Ski Club
1012 S Austin Blvd
Oak Park, IL 60304
Cook County
Phone: (708) 848-3831
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Hours: unknown
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by Pamella Venetos on
I love South City Kitchen. We do alot of business with them, and they always take excellent care of us. There are many things to like about it. For one, it is not too casual, nor is it pretentious in a "trying" to be upscale sort of way. The atmosphere is just perfectly comfortable. The staff is very knowledgeable of the menu, and very friendly. Lastly, the food is always on point. There are some dishes that are very decadent, and perfect if you are seeking some soul nourishing comfort food. Their in-house pimento cheese, as well as their perfect fried chicken falls into this catagory. If you don't want to feel guilty when you leave, then try one of their fish dishes, and you will be fine. Go Now!
by Nell Taillefer on
When I was a youngster I ran home one day to mah grandmammy and told her that I felt cheated because the man on the corner sold me a now and later for one dollar.  Granmammy said to me "Child, how much do a now and later cost at the sto'?" --- I says "5 cent" She said "Now if yo' dumb*ss is fittin' to be simple enough to pay one dolla for a five cent piece of candy THEN YOU DESERVE WHAT YOU GOT" Next she pulled off her black leather belt with the brass plate near the clip and proceeded to whop the remaning 95 cents that I wasted out of my ass.  But the lesson shall never be forgotten - If you are cat-brained enough to actually PAY for recoculousness then you get EXACTLY what you ask for. This means, if you are actually willing to PAY a repenisly inflated price of $20 to get into a 'lounge' (not even a real CLUB, but a LOUNGE - whatever that is..) and pay an equally recocukous price for drinks, then you DESERVE what you get --- an empty, LAME, pretention, ROOM with a McDj on playing "mash-ups" on his moms i-pod.  Stop being masochistic. Places like these exists because idiots who go there insist on being 'seen' rather than actually having FUN.  Here's a newsflash, CLASSY people do not go to places that are LAME!  I don't care how many lame ass mark ass "Philebreties" you see there wearing a cheap phone-book salesman suit with plastic shoes from walmart. You will NOT catch me in Center City - the new trailer trash gayborhood of Philadelphia.  Listen fools, when you pay $20, you are to EXPECT OUTSTANDING SERVICE, DRINKS, and most of all FUN.  This is a sucker bar, for SUCKERS.  Hello --- pretentious.  Root word: PRETEND - meaning it APPEARS to be something, but is indeed NOT.  So if you find yourself at "G lounge" you deserve all the ass beating you get.  G lounge stands for GRANDMAMMY LOUNGE.  Boomshakalaka!
by Maria B. on
Welcome to HELL!!! Why didn't I read the reviews from rateclubs before going!? This club is the WORST club that I've been to in my entire life! I have never felt so robbed and degraded! I don't think I can express how much I hate this place. It started with $20 valet parking in the rear... already expensive and chaotic. We were told by a promotor to go to the front to meet him there to get in for free. When we get to the cashier, this bitchy ugly white lady with an inch of caked foundation, rudely told us we have to pay $20 each and that the promoter that told us it was free, is a liar. Then she says, either pay or go back outside. I should have walked away there, but it was late and at this point I just wanted to get in a club. So my girl friend and I paid, only to find out we were stuck on the 3rd floor and would have to pay a separate admission to go to the other levels. WTF!? We were able to talk our way into the other rooms but had to deal with some of the biggest jerk security guards, especially the black bald guy by the 3rd floor elevators that kept flashing his light on our butts. This jerk asked us for hugs in exchange for information and told us he was smoking weed. We were fuming mad by the time we made it downstairs to the lower level. It was a nasty sweat box filled with drunk idiotic perverts and rude people just pushing us out of the way as they walked by. There was a room full of stupid short little boys grabbing us or too drunk to hold a conversation or even stand straight. BUT that didn't stop the bartender from selling them more alcohol. I have no idea how any business can treat its customers like this and get away with it.  I hope the earth opens up and pulls this place back down where it belongs... Hell.
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