by Joanna L. on My friends and I inevitably end up here at least one night a weekend--usually Friday. It's fun once you've had a few shots of SoCo Lime. The crowd can get old though, and is an odd mix of gym rats in graphic tees and good old boys in loafers and polos. On the plus side, East Andrews is large and perfect for primetime people watching, especially in the small patio and fountain areas. If you're in the mood to go home with someone, East Andrews is a pretty safe bet. The smaller patio usually has live music (mostly covers played by a man with long hair and typically clad in a Braves jersey), while the indoor atrium plays Top 40 over the speaker system. If you're lucky, you'll witness a bar-wide sing-along to the occasional country song.
by matt s. on I stumbled on Prana through's ridonkulously discounted gift certificate. Never heard of it, but it sounded interesting. what the hey? very cool decor - all white futuristic, which on the one hand is soothing and on the other hand makes all my colorful spilling stand out like a piece of modern art. we got a bunch of small plates through a dine-about-town combo. the short ribs, soup, and salads stood out. great ravioli too. for desert, grab those indian donuts like your name was Homer Simpson. much better food than I expected for a place I'd never heard of. try it!
by Dung True on It looks like Thursday's are a hit at the Cat Club. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for Saturdays. I was here for some block party that also included Icon next door. I wouldn't call it much of a block party...more like hanging out with your hot neighbor next door. My biggest problem with this place was the price of the drinks. $10 for a tiny little shot of Grey. You know those little teaspoon cups you poor your NyQuil into? I think it was even smaller than that! And the shot was watered down I pretty much paid for a round of Goose for nothing. Thank goodness it was a "block party". We just went next door instead. Probably won't be coming back here again unless it's still 80's night on Thursdays.